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Browse all the Faith Library Publication authors from the Hagin family to special publications of other FLP authors.

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  1. Because Of Jesus (Book)

    What Jesus Has Done for Us
    The three Christ-exalting sermons in this book give believers great insight into who Jesus is and what He purchased for them on the Cross.

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  2. Blueprint For Building Strong Faith (Book)

    This powerful minibook offers a five-part "blueprint" to help believers receive whatever they need from God. Learn More
  3. Come Out Of The Valley! (Book)

    Believers can learn to use their faith in God's Word to activate the power of God and blast away every obstacle that is hindering them from climbing out of the valley of defeat! Learn More
  4. Commanding Power (Book)

    The key to doing the works of Jesus is understanding and exercising the commanding power we have in Him. Learn More
  5. Connect: Staying Connected So You Can Win

    Humans are meant for connections—with God, His Word, and His people. Discover the profound impact of staying connected to God and fellow believers for a life of fulfillment and victory.

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  6. Debido a Jesús (Becasue of Jesus - Book)

    Los tres sermones, centrados en Cristo, presentados en este libro dan a los creyentes una magnífica visión de quién es Jesús y de lo que Él compró en la cruz por cada uno de ellos. Learn More
  7. Duelo Con El Diablo (Showdown With the Devil - Book)

    El real y sobrenatural poder de Dios siempre derrota los engaños de Satanás y libera a quienes están esclavizados. Learn More
  8. El Plano Para Edificar Una Fe Fuerte (Blueprint for Building Strong Faith - Book)

    Este convincente mini-libro presenta un "plano" de cinco partes para ayudar a los creyentes a recibir cualquier cosa que necesiten de parte de Dios. Learn More
  9. El Tiempo Pasado De La Palabra De Dios (The Past Tense of God's Word - Book)

    Este práctico mini-libro explica que el tiempo pasado de la Palabra de Dios es la voluntad de Dios en el presente. Learn More
  10. Expect (Book)

    What Can You Do To Receive From God?

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