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June/July 2018


Don’t Quit!

1 JuneJuly2018 KWH H2HHeart to Heart

// Kenneth W. Hagin

There's always a temptation to grow impatient if something doesn't happen when we think it should. When prayers aren't answered on our timetable or when dreams don't happen as quickly as we had hoped, we can become restless, which only hurts us in the end.

You may feel called to a particular career, but you're not there yet. That's okay. God's not in a hurry, so you shouldn't feel pressured.


Faith vs. Feelings

2 JuneJuly2018 KEHarticle TimelessTeaching// Kenneth E. Hagin

TOO MANY people try to get acquainted with God through their feelings. When they feel good, they think God has heard their prayers. When they don't feel particularly good, they believe He has not heard them. Their faith is based on their feelings, while it should be based on God's Word.


Preparing for Purpose

3 JuneJuly2018 RBTC SinglePgGOD'S PLAN for you is an adventure! Wherever you are on the path, it's exciting to discover your purpose, develop it, and dive into the journey. Are you prepared? That's where Rhema Bible Training College can help.

In two years, Rhema helps you establish a strong, thriving foundation that you can take into your church, community, career, and relationships. But did you know that you can continue and explore specialty programs? The third year and beyond are deeper dives into specific areas so you can be ready for whatever God calls you to do!


A Living Testimony

4 JuneJuly2018 KTFSpeakerHighlight SinglePg// LYNETTE ESTRADA

GOD WANTS US to be a living demonstration of all the good things He has placed in us as a testimony to the world. Where we are not only performing signs and wonders, but we are the sign and wonder. Getting to that place requires spiritual discipline, which is something most people don't want to hear. But if we are going to see results, it's necessary.

By studying the parable of the sower, we can learn how to demonstrate the goodness of God.


God Wants You Well

5 JuneJuly2018 KWHarticle// KENNETH W. HAGIN

SOME BELIEVERS in the Body of Christ don't understand God's will about sickness and healing. They think they are sick for a reason. They believe that God wants them to be sick, and that He has put sickness on them to learn a lesson. Both are wrong beliefs. The truth is that God wants you well!

In the New Testament, we never see where Jesus put sickness on anyone. When people came to Him for healing, He never said, "No, it's not My will. Just suffer a little longer." Not one time did this happen.