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October/November 2017


Tap Into the Change Maker!

1 Sept2017 KWH H2HHeart to Heart

// Kenneth W. Hagin

The Holy Spirit has been given to us and lives in us. He is greater, stronger, bigger, mightier, and more powerful than anything we will ever face! He will help us in every situation. We may get in a panic, but He never does. To us, our situation may look impossible. But to God, it's possible.


A Lifestyle of Thanksgiving

2 OctNov2017 KWHarticle// Kenneth W. Hagin

THANKSGIVING was first celebrated as a federal holiday during the Civil War. On October 3, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national day of "Thanksgiving and praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens."

It's great to live in a nation that has an official day for giving thanks. But the act of thanksgiving was originally God's idea. The following verses in the Book of Psalms makes this clear.


Live the Love

3 OctNov2017 Weinzierl SinglePg// Jerry Weinzierl

SOME MARRIAGES are in desperate situations. No matter what a couple is going through, God can make any mess beautiful. My marriage is proof of that. If He can make mine good, He can do the same for anybody.

God can do anything! But it TAKES TWO PEOPLE AT THE SAME TIME WANTING TO SUBMIT TO THE WILL AND WORD OF GOD and to BE WILLING TO DO THE HARD WORK. And that's not common. To make our marriages work, we have to live what the Bible says about love.


How to Influence Your Children

4 OctNov2017 LHarticle// Lynette Hagin

MANY CHRISTIANS have become so wrapped up in their own work and life that they have neglected their highest calling—the spiritual development of their children. Parents have the most powerful influence in a child's life.

That gives those of us who are parents an awesome responsibility to prepare our children for success in life. I would like to give you a few guidelines on how to do that.


Why Am I Angry?

5 OctNov2017 TonyCooke SinglePg// Tony Cooke

WHEN WE consider something to be unfair or unjust, we naturally have an emotional response. When something (or someone) we value is taken from us, or when we feel threatened, something within us reacts. ANGER IS A FORM OF PROTEST. We may say it out loud or merely feel it within ourselves, but something says, "This is not fair!" One of the common emotions felt following the death of a loved one is anger.