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May 2017


We Must Never Forget

1 May2017 KWH H2H Heart to Heart

// Kenneth W. Hagin

This month as we celebrate Memorial Day, we honor the men and women who gave their lives in service to our nation. Their blood was shed so the United States would be free and strong. This is also a time that we can reflect on what the Lord has done in our lives. The word memorial means “to remember.” But all too often, we only remember the bad times and not the good.


Praise: The Secret to Victory

2 May2017 KWHarticle“I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.”

—Psalm 34:1

// Kenneth W. Hagin

Have you ever met a Christian who always seems to be full of joy and gladness—someone who always exhibits the joy of the Lord both in the good times and the bad? A believer who is always full of joy has learned the secret of living a life of praise to God.


Angels in Our Midst

 3 May2017 KEH SinglePg// Kenneth E. Hagin

In teaching me about angels, the Lord pointed out the scripture, “Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?” (Heb. 1:14). I always thought this verse said, “minister to them who shall be heirs of salvation.” But it says, “minister for them.” The word “minister” used here carries the thought of waiting on or serving. For instance, when you go into a restaurant, a waitress “ministers” to you by waiting on or serving you. In other words, she waits for your order.


None of These Things Move Me


4 May2017 LHarticle//Lynette Hagin

As I was growing up, my dad often said, “Lynette, take advantage of every learning experience. You may not think that you’re going to need something, but there’s a possibility that you will!”

I’ve discovered that the older we get, the more we realize how much more we need to learn. In fact, after being in ministry for 50 years, my late father-in-law, Kenneth E. Hagin, said “I think I know less now than I thought I knew when I was in ministry for 10 years.”


From Test to Testimony

 5 May2017 OrethaHagin SinglePg//Oretha Hagin

In the summer of 1938, the new minister, Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin, came to pastor my church in Tom Bean, Texas. He was tall, slim, blonde, and handsome—and all the single girls in the church were after him!

When Kenneth and I met, I hadn’t received the Holy Spirit, although secretly I had wanted to. During our courtship, Kenneth would always say to me, “I’d marry you tonight if you had the baptism of the Holy Ghost.” I would just smile. He married me anyway. I didn’t receive the Holy Spirit until after we were married!