December 2016
Heart To Heart December 2016
// Kenneth W. Hagin
It's Our Time!
From the beginning, God has desired and ordained that each generation pass on their knowledge of God to the next generation. This is still true today. We are to take the torch from generations past—the torch of God's power and the move of His Spirit—and keep it ablaze so that the things of the Spirit will not be lost to future generations.
We are not living in this day by accident. God has a plan for the ages, and He has a place for each one of us within the framework of that plan. We must step up and do the works of Jesus (John 14:12). For we are called to the Kingdom of God for such a time as this.
There are many people today who are oppressed, bruised, and downtrodden. Their lives have lost meaning, and they are wandering through life directionless. The reason we are on the earth now is to set free those who are down and out. This is our time!
Christmas: Our Ultimate Victory
// Kenneth W. Hagin
WHAT DOES THE BIRTH of Jesus mean to you? One thing that it should mean to all of us is that through Christ we gain the ultimate victory. Jesus was born more than 2,000 years ago to end Satan's rule over mankind. But the Christmas story doesn't start in the town of Bethlehem. It begins in the Book of Genesis.
After God created Adam, He placed him in the Garden of Eden where He walked and talked with him every day. God brought every animal and bird to Adam to see what he would call them (Gen. 2:19). And He gave Adam dominion over every creature (Gen.1:28).
Eventually, Satan deceived Eve, and Adam sinned. The two became separated from the Creator, their loving Heavenly Father. Satan thought he'd won a victory. He thought that mankind would never be able to connect with God again.
But I can imagine God saying one day in Heaven, "I want to redeem My man. Who is willing to go?" All of Heaven was silent. None of the angels moved or raised a hand. Then One stepped forward and said, "Father, I'll go."
2016: Increasing Our Reach
It's been another great year at Kenneth Hagin Ministries. Here are some highlights of what has happened over the past 12 months.
The Expansion Continues!
More people are hearing the message of faith in every corner of the earth. They are learning about their authority in Christ, experiencing the healing power of God, and understanding God's never-ending grace and mercy. Rhema graduates are responsible for this. They are making a huge impact for God's Kingdom.
At the writing of this Word of Faith issue, Rhema has 225 campuses in 51 nations. But the way things are going around here, these numbers will be outdated by the time the magazine arrives in homes!
One of the new campuses was Rhema Guatemala City. Five recent Rhema USA graduates, with a burning passion to bring the faith message to this lush Central American nation, worked with Dean Tad Gregurich to open the campus.
A Sweet Fragrance
// Lynette Hagin
A POPULAR PASSAGE in Deuteronomy chapter 28 talks about all of our blessings—how we will be blessed in the city, blessed in the field, and the fruit of our body (our children) will be blessed (vv.1–4). We love to concentrate on verse 13 that says we'll be the head and not the tail and we'll be above and not beneath. While that is all true, sometimes we don't read the rest of verse 13 that gives the condition on which these blessings are based.
Deuteronomy 28:13 (AMPC) says these blessings will come "if you heed the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you this day and are watchful to do them."
You may wonder why sometimes your confessions of faith are not becoming realities. Ask yourself this: "Am I heeding the commandments of the Lord?"
What has He asked us to do? There are many commandments that we must do, and we must get into the Scriptures to find and obey them. The commandment I want to focus on here is the commandment to walk in love.
Having Faith in the Last Days
// Kenneth W. Hagin
IN MATTHEW CHAPTER 24, the disciples came to Jesus on the Mount of Olives and asked Him about the last days. Jesus told them that nation would rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. He also talked about famines, pestilences, and earthquakes (vs. 7). We don't have to look far to see that we are living in the last days.
As Christians, we should not be afraid of the end times. Because of everything that is happening around the world, we must guard against fear. If we don't, it will creep in and rule our lives. We should not be trembling in fear, hiding in caves, or buying survival packages. God has given us the answer for the day in which we live: "Have faith in God," (Mark 11:22).