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Winter Bible Seminar and Rhema Homecoming—Anticipating Great Things!

Winter Bible Seminar Preview

The Rhema campus is abuzz with excitement as preparations begin for Winter Bible Seminar 2018! On February 18-23, people from around the world will gather in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, for this special event. Through worship, ministry, and fellowship, attendees leave edified and refreshed!

Services begin Sunday, February 18, at 6 p.m. in the Rhema Bible Church auditorium and continue Monday through Friday. Guest speakers will minister at 8:30 and 9:30 a.m., followed by Lynette Hagin at 10:30 a.m. and Kenneth W. Hagin at 7 p.m.

Children and youth ministry is available for infants through 12th graders during the evening sessions only. First through 5th grade will meet in the Rhema Kids Auditorium. Winter Blitz services for 6th through 12th graders will meet in the Varsity Youth Building Monday through Wednesday and Friday.

On Monday, February 19, a "Welcome Back Fellowship" for all alumni of any RBTC campus around the world will meet in the NRC after the evening service. It will be an awesome time to catch up with old friends as well as meet new people.

WBS guests may attend first- and second-hour RBTC classes throughout the week.

Services will also be available via the Rhema USA app or online at rhema.tv. To learn more or preregister, visit rhema.org/wbs or call (918) 258-1588, ext. 2238. Registration is free and open to everyone!


Learn more . . .

>> Register for Winter Bible Seminar 

>> Register for Alumni Homecoming


The Last Word Wins (7)

Article Pic1// Kenneth W. Hagin

Whether we realize it or not, words can be weapons. And most of us have found ourselves embroiled at some time in a war of words, even if we would never fight with our fists. Words can be more powerful than a boxing punch and cut more deeply than any knife. When used as weapons, words are able to mutilate and destroy.


Men's Conference: Building Champions

Article CTA 4A Call to Arms —Review

Kenneth W. Hagin's opened A Call to Arms Men's Conference with a strong exhortation for men to see themselves as God's masterpieces. "We must fight to be the men God designed us to be—not just spiritually, but naturally too. God created us to be a reflection of Him on the earth." The conference only continued to build from there.

For three days, men listened to messages on their identity in Christ, the power of praise and humility, and enduring to the end. The weak left strong, the sick left healed, and men were transformed from the inside out. They were equipped and empowered to be all that God called them to be.

Here's a sample of what men heard this year. Be sure to join us next year for A Call to Arms 2018, to be held November 1-3 on the Rhema USA campus in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma.

A Call to Arms Speaker Highlights

"Today's society is challenging manhood. We must refuse to accept the enemy's trash talk. We have to realize who we are. We are men of God, and we are fearfully and wonderfully made." // Kenneth W. Hagin

"The devil is going to get some punches in. We might get knocked against the ropes, but we have to endure. Because if we endure, we win!" // Craig W. Hagin

"Walking in honor has a lot to do with our attitude and posture in the way we handle relationships. It's impossible to walk in love without honor and respect." // Steve Yoder

"What you expect tends to show up. What you magnify, you'll get more of! When you magnify the Provider, provision shows up." // David Crammer

"Set your eyes as flint to finish the race God has called you to. Don't quit. Don't give up. And don't settle for status quo. You were born to be a champion." // Marcus Martinez


Visit rhema.org/cta for more conference details!






Men's Conference: It's Not Too Late!

Article CTA 3A Call to Arms —discover the greatness that lies within you!

Kenneth W. Hagin's A Call to Arms Men's Conference happens this Thursday-Saturday, November 2-4, on the Rhema USA campus in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma.

Register online through Tuesday, October 31st and then starting Thursday, November 2nd at 3:00 PM, men can register at the door! Onsite registration is located in the West Lobby of the Rhema Bible Church Auditorium.

For three life-transforming days, men will discover the greatness that lies within them. They'll learn how to stand strong during the adversities of life and leave better equipped to get back up whenever life knocks them down.

Speakers this year include Rev. Hagin and his son, Craig W. Hagin and special guest speakers David Crammer, Marcus Martinez, and Steve Yoder. In addition to the main sessions, there will be a lively panel discussion where speakers will share practical knowledge and godly wisdom on relevant issues that matter to men. And there will be great worship and time to hang out with the guys. Don't miss it!

Visit rhema.org/cta for more conference details!






Women's Conference: Letting Go of Every Weight

Article Womens Conference 1Kindle the Flame was nothing short of life-changing.

Over 1,300 women gathered on the Rhema Campus to experience intimate praise and worship, uplifting messages, and powerful ministry.

Lynette Hagin started the conference with an unforgettable illustration of balloons tied around each woman’s wrist. She instructed the ladies to let go of weights that were holding them down. Every woman wrote on their balloon things in their lives that needed to be let go. At the end, as they praised God, they released their balloons together.

Denise Hagin Burns encouraged the ladies that in the storms of life, they can trust Jesus to be their calm and get them to the other side. Patsy Cameneti shared the importance of reading the Epistles and letting Jesus be our sanctifier. Lynette Estrada challenged the ladies to let their lives be a living testimony, bearing the fruit of the Spirit.

The Conference ended with great spiritual insights from Lynette Hagin as well as a divine time of Candlelight, Prayer, and Communion.

Kindle the Flame 2018 is coming September 27-29. You can keep up with us on our Kindle the Flame Facebook page

Speaker Highlights:

“Let go of your plans for your life and commit to God’s plans.” –Lynette Hagin

“You can shout your way through the storm, because He’s taking you to the other side!” –Denise Hagin Burns

“As surely as He is our righteousness, as surely as He is our wisdom, He is surely our sanctifier.” –Patsy Cameneti

“God is expecting us to bear fruit. He wants to make us a sign and a wonder.” –Lynette Estrada

“It’s a season of stretching. Embrace the stretching time!” –Lynette Hagin, Candlelight, Prayer, & Praise Service


Check in soon for details of next year's conference by  visiting rhema.org/ktf.

We look forward to seeing you there!





Women's Conference: Godly Women Fulfilling His Plan

Women's Conference, Kindle the FlameCome to Kindle the Flame September 28—30, 2017

Save Now with Early Bird Registration going on now through September 15!

Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. Lynette Hagin's annual Kindle the Flame Women's Conference is one-of-a-kind! Women across the globe gather together to seek God and get built up. From impacting messages to practical workshops, Kindle the Flame has it all!

Speakers this year include Lynette Hagin, Denise Hagin-Burns, Patsy Cameneti, and Lynette Estrada. These mighty women of God are thrilled to minister the Word and see lives changed!

"My goal with this conference is to help women fulfill the plan that God has given them. I want to ignite sparks of divine purpose within them so they can return to their families, jobs, and daily lives with fresh enthusiasm." –Lynette Hagin

 Find out all the details about registration and more by visiting rhema.org/ktf.

We look forward to seeing you there!





Campmeeting 2017

Campmeeting Kenneth Hagin MinistriesKeeping Our Appointment with God 

From the very first night of Campmeeting, expectations were high and hearts were ready to receive. Rev. Kenneth W. Hagin set the tone for the week, sharing about keeping our appointment with God. When we make time for just us and God, He strengthens us and helps us be a better witness for Him when we go out into our world.

The overall theme for Campmeeting was the importance of staying with the Word of God and the move of the Spirit. Teaching was rich, and people were refreshed as each speaker flowed with the Holy Spirit.

Speaker Highlights:

"If you're going to move with the glory of God, you're going to have to do what's necessary." —Kenneth W. Hagin

"Indifference is an enemy of your faith. Just because God settled it in heaven, doesn't mean it's settled in my mind." —Charles Cowan

"The Holy Spirit is our advocate. An advocate is a person who is fighting for you." —Denise Hagin Burns

"Do you know how short your New Testament would be if Paul gave up in Acts 16?" —Craig Hagin

"Many have trouble letting God be good to us on the level he wants to be good to us." —Phillip Slaughter

"We can't just understand the Bible with our minds. We have to receive it into our hearts." —David Shearin

"Every religion offers lessons... but Jesus gives us life!" —Mark Hankins


Watch services again on vimeo.com/rhema

Purchase services on various media at rhema.org/store

Mark your calendar for next year July 22-27, 2018 for Campmeeting! 




A Vacation for the Entire Family!

Article CM 2Campmeeting – July 23-28th, 2017 

Need a vacation? Campmeeting is the best place to be refreshed and receive divine direction for your life!

Every July, Kenneth Hagin Ministries hosts this glorious 6 day event, filled with powerful praise and worship, dynamic speakers, and life-changing impartations. The morning, afternoon, and night services will leave you fueled up and ready to go!

The youth have their own special conference called Summer Blitz. This year, the youth get to enjoy services in the new youth facility! For the 1st-5th graders, Rhema Kids has its own fun-filled meetings during the morning and night services.

Campmeeting starts on Sunday, July 23, at 6:00 PM. Check out rhema.org/cm for all the details.

Also, you can share your Campmeeting photos and speaker quotes on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter with the hashtag, #RhemaCM. We enjoy seeing your posts!

Even if you can't join us in person, you can still be a part! Watch live at rhema.tv.
We hope to see you there!




Achieve Your God-Given Potential and Increase in Every Area of Life

providedfor// Kenneth W. Hagin

God is a big God. Nothing happening in the world can stop Him from blessing His children. He does not depend upon natural circumstances in order to bless us.

Our Heavenly Father moves in the supernatural realm! He can use anything He wants to in order to bring us a financial blessing. But we must learn to praise Him instead of looking to other things as our source. God alone is our Source. And I believe if we would praise Him out of a relationship of trust, He could change our financial situations. He could make the earth yield an increase for us—no matter what is going on economically in the world.

You see, if we're not careful, we will get caught up speaking negative words that can work against us.

 Read more . . .



The Value of a Faith-Filled Mother

Article Mothers Day

by Kenneth W. Hagin

“From my mother I learned the value of prayer, how to have dreams and believe I could make them come true” –Ronald Reagan

Thank God for mothers! A mother's faith can produce a godly legacy that affects generations to come.

There are two aspects to a mother's faith. First, she believes what God said in His Word. And, second, she believes in her children. Our mothers believe in us even when we don't believe in ourselves.

My mom used to tell me, "Ken, it doesn't matter what anyone else says. I believe in you, and with God's help, you can do whatever you want to do!" I wouldn't be preaching today if it weren't for my mother.

Mothers have the privilege of bringing new life into the world, but they are also uniquely equipped to nurture and help a child grow. A mother's influence on her children is far greater than even she may realize.

If you are a mother and you are wondering if your good example has taught your children anything, I want to assure you that it has. I want to encourage you to keep up the good work. Your faith is more powerful than you think!

A mother's faith can propel children to do things they never thought possible. A mother's faith in her child can cause him to succeed where he would otherwise fail. That is why it is so important for moms to believe in their children and speak positive, faith-filled words over them.

Did you know that if it had not been for a mother, we may not have electric lights today! When Thomas Edison was a young boy, his teacher sent him home with a note that said, "Your child is dumb; we can't do anything for him."

Mrs. Edison wrote back, "You do not understand my boy. I will teach him myself."

She did—and the results were world-changing!

Where would we be without the love, prayers, and support of our mothers? Let's thank God for them today!



Book Oretha Hagin

Check out this book, The Price Is Not Greater Than God's Grace, from Kenneth W. Hagin's own mother, Oretha Hagin.




Share the Gospel as a Rhema Word Partner

Rhema Word Partners“We’re in this thing together!” –Denise Hagin Burns

How Word Partner Club is Making an Impact

• Keeping the base strong.

• Providing 70% of RBTC student's tuition.

• Spreading the Gospel around the world.

These are just a few of the things that Word Partners do.

As they gathered for a Meet and Greet during Winter Bible Seminar, Partners were encouraged by the Hagin family to continue sowing in prayer and finances. "There's no way we could accomplish what we do without you," Pastor Hagin shared.

A few current students and Alumni shared what Rhema meant to them. Nakia Maplethorpe, a 2nd year student, was healed from asthma when she was in a meeting with a Rhema grad. She is so grateful for Rhema's impact on her life. "You're not just sowing money; you're sowing into peoples' souls," she emphasized.

Partners were uplifted as they enjoyed testimonies, fellowship, and refreshments, knowing that they have a vital role in fulfilling God's end time plan. We are so thankful for our Word Partner Club members!

Interested in learning more or joining the Word Partner Club? Click here.




“I feel very encouraged and like I’m not alone.”

Rev. Kenneth W. Hagin and Billye Brim at Winter Bible SeminarWinter Bible Seminar 2017 Recap

"I realized the importance of my call and heard how much God loved me."
—Vanessa Anseline

Every year, men and women from other countries fly in to attend Winter Bible Seminar. For first time attendee, Vanessa Anseline, it was a truly revitalizing experience. Traveling all the way from Gold Coast, Australia, she had no idea how massive Rhema was. "It was a little scary, driving on the wrong side of the road and not having my GPS work," she laughed. Coming from a smaller church, she saw how big this faith family really is!

"All of the people at Rhema came alongside me and made me feel so welcomed," Vanessa shared. "I feel very encouraged and like I'm not alone." She had such a wonderful time, she plans on coming back to Winter Bible Seminar next year!

  • Our dates for Winter Bible Seminar 2018 are February 18—23.
  • If you missed any of the services this year or would like to watch them again, you can do so at vimeo.com/rhema.
  • Messages are also available to purchase as WBS mp3's.