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Honoring True Heroes

Memorial Day//Kenneth W. Hagin

Memorial Day is a time where we recognize the fallen heroes of our land—men and women who gave their lives so others could live in freedom.

The online Merriam-Webster's Dictionary defines the word hero as "an illustrious warrior; a person admired for achievements and noble qualities; one who shows great courage." The world has many heroes. Some are famous; others are unknown. We're thankful for everyone who has served in our military, but this month we are honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to their country.

Men and women have died in battle so their loved ones might live in freedom. Their sacrifice is matched only by the sacrifice of grieving parents whose children did not return, of spouses who will face the future alone, and of children who will grow up without a father or mother.

There is one Hero, however, who towers above the rest. And we must honor and recognize the Hero of heroes, the One Who gave His life so everyone might have life: Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

Jesus died for the sins of all mankind! He bore the punishment for all humanity! He knew suffering and agony so that we could have victory, peace, healing, mercy, joy, and love. When heroes are honored, usually Jesus' Name is not mentioned. Yet His Name should be at the top of the list! No hero on earth compares with Him.

I thank God that we can live free in this country because of the heroes who gave their lives. And I thank God that we can live in spiritual freedom because Jesus shed His blood on the cross.

Let's not forget those who have died serving our country. But let us never forget Jesus Christ, the Hero of heroes. He is our real Hero—on Memorial Day and every day.




Note: This article is taken from Heart to Heart in Word of Faith magazine May 2018.