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A Christmas Wish: From Stressed to Blessed

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 //Kenneth W. Hagin

Stress is something we have to deal with continually. Actually, this time of year there seems to be more stress on people. But God wants to help us with our stress!

Psalm 40:4 says, "Blessed is that man who makes the Lord his trust" (NKJV). You could also read this verse, "Stressed is that man who does not make the Lord his trust." Our Heavenly Father wants us to trust Him. He does not want us to live stressed out! So let's look at a few things that can cause stress in our lives and consider some ways to handle them. Read more...



Speak to Your Mountain, Not About It


 //Kenneth W. Hagin

There is a difference between speaking to your mountain and speaking about your mountain. Speaking about your mountain will magnify the problem in your mind. The problem will begin to look bigger and bigger in your sight. But speaking to your mountain keeps things in proper perspective.

When you put God’s Word in your mouth, magnifying the Answer above all else, speaking to the mountain will cause it to move (Mark 11:23–24)!

This week:

  1. Take a day and keep track of how many times you speak about the problem you’re facing.
  2. Go to God’s Word—the Bible—and find out what it says about the problem.
  3. Begin to replace your words about the situation with God’s Word on the matter.

Each time you begin to speak about the problem, remind yourself to speak to it, telling it to change and conform to what the Word says!



It's Not Too Late!

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 Kenneth W. Hagin's A Call to Arms Men's Conference happens Thursday-Friday, November 5-6, on the Rhema USA campus in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. There's still time to register at the door! Join us to get equipped, energized, and empowered to walk in your true identity and be the man God called you to be.

Speakers this year include Rev. Kenneth W. Hagin, Craig W. Hagin, and special guest speakers Darrin Baldwin, Don Burns, Fabian McCune, and Josh Pennington.

In each session, the speakers will share practical knowledge and godly wisdom on issues that matter to men. There will also be great worship and time to hang out with the guys. The conference is a perfect time to get away, let go of stress, and hear from God.

Don't miss it! Visit rhema.org/cta for more conference details!





Kindle the Flame 2020

KTF 2020Overview

 Kindle the Flame 2020

Women were on fire at Lynette Hagin's Kindle the Flame® Women's Conference! Amid COVID-19 protocol and safety precautions, the Rhema USA campus was open to both in-person and virtual attendees.

The crowd embodied what Lynette Hagin brought as her theme: I AM A SURVIVOR! Emboldened by the Word that was ministered and the opportunity to pray and worship together, ladies started the three-day conference at a heightened place of strength and determination.

With 2020 being the 20th conference, many special surprises were unleashed from historical video highlights and blooper reels. But the most surprised was Lynette Hagin when presented with a financial thank you gift secretly prepared with participation from women around the world.

Freedom and boldness flooded every session. Each speaker brought a unique perspective with powerful words from Heaven that charged hearts, healed bodies, and strengthened resolve.

The traditional Candlelight, Prayer & Praise service capped the conference with reverence and worship.

Make plans to attend Kindle the Flame September 23-25, 2021!

"We're going to make the devil run! Jesus has already conquered him and he's under our feet. So why are you trembling? The devil is afraid of YOU!" —Lynette Hagin

"Jesus needs you to be brave. This Christian lifestyle is not for the faint of heart! That's why you have to deal with your insecurities and issues—it hinders you from being brave." —Denise Hagin Burns

"An acceleration is happening for those who allow God to have His way. He's calling His people to come back wholeheartedly." —Lynette Estrada

"All of us have dealt with some form of brokenness in our lives. The only thing that can get us out of broken patterns is intentional time in God's Word." —Marci Glisson

"A mission is on the other side of your mess, a purpose greater than your problem. It's not about receiving wholeness; it's about you giving it to the world." —Lois Taucher

"Joy is a spiritual force, and it's not based on circumstances. The joy of the Lord is a force inside every single believer!" —Brenda Thomas





Campmeeting 2020: A Great Time in the Lord

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People gathered online and in person at Rhema Bible Church in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, for Campmeeting 2020. The Spirit of God moved mightily in the lives of those who attended from kids to adults. Online attendees testified to being healed and refreshed while participating from afar.

Foundations of faith and prayer built a platform for wisdom to flow and hearts to receive. Reports from Rhema campuses around the world brought news of start-ups and online expansion in the midst of "shut down." By the end of the week, an army of believers resonating with compassion and unity was mobilized with fresh fire—ready to hear God and take action!

Campmeeting 2021 will be held on July 25-30. Mark your calendars and join us!

Speaker Highlights

"Storms are mere distractions to get you off of the road that God wants you on. You have to stay steady! God will not abandon you. He will show you the way out." // Kenneth W. Hagin

"Let's quit talking about opinions and start practicing what God said and LOVE. We must band together in unity and harmony." // Lynette Hagin


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Act on God’s Word!

WOF May16 ActOnGodsWord


// Kenneth E. Hagin

STOP TRYING to make God's Word work and start acting on the Word. If we know that the Word is true and if we act as though it is true, it becomes a reality in our lives.

Let me share with you the testimony of A.B. Simpson. He just acted like the Word is true and received his healing. I read his testimony years ago in a Christian magazine. Dr. Simpson, a Presbyterian minister at the time of his healing, later founded the Christian and Missionary Alliance. At the age of 46, he was told he was dying of a heart condition and was given only about six months to live.

Dr. Simpson said he had heard many testimonies of healing, even in his own church. He took a short leave of absence and went up to his farm, where he could spend a lot of time studying God's Word.


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Pray for Your Nation

5 Jan2018 LHarticle

 // Lynette Hagin

PRAYER CHANGES the world around us! Our prayers don’t change God, but He designed it so that He works through our prayers.

Jeremiah 33:3 says, “Call unto me, and I will answer thee.” That means we’ve got to call. Those are the rules of prayer that God has set down! Our prayers bring things to pass that wouldn’t have come into existence if we did not pray.

God is interested in the entire world and wants us to pray. But where we have the most authority is where we live—whatever nation that may be. So it’s important that we each take our place in our own nation.


30 And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.

It’s time for us to stand in the gap! First Peter 4:7 (NLT) says, “The end of the world is coming soon. Therefore, be earnest and disciplined in your prayers.” We don’t always become earnest in our prayers until it affects us. But it’s so important that we get serious about our commitment and responsibility.

Are you willing to do that? Will you answer the call to stand in the gap? The enemy is on a warpath. We are in spiritual warfare! We must focus and fully intercede for our nation so God’s will is accomplished. As we recognize that and do what God told us to do, we will see change!

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Using Our Authority for Finances

WOF Jan17 UsingOurAuthorityForFinances

 // Kenneth E. Hagin


WHEN GOD CREATED the world, He gave dominion over all the works of His hands to Adam (Gen. 1:26, 28). In one sense, then, Adam was god of this world, because God turned it over to him.

But we read in Second Corinthians 4:4 that Satan is now the god of this world. How did that happen? Adam committed treason in the Garden of Eden by willfully eating of the forbidden fruit (Gen. 3:1–7). When he did this, he gave Satan man's dominion over the earth.

In Luke 4:6–7 Satan said to Jesus, "All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it. If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine." Who delivered this power to Satan? Adam did!

The Lord showed me this and related it to faith for finances. As I prayed and waited before Him, He said to me by the Holy Spirit, "The money you need is down there. It isn't up here in Heaven. I don't have any money up here. I'm not going to rain any money down from Heaven. If I did, it would be counterfeit, and I'm not a counterfeiter. It's Satan who is keeping money from coming, not Me."

Then I remembered that Jesus said, "Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom" (Luke 6:38). When men give to you, God is behind it. But it's still men giving it.

After the Lord showed me this, He said, "Whatever money you need, just claim it."

Our Authority in Christ

We have a right to claim our needs met because Jesus came to the earth and defeated Satan. We're in the world but we're not of the world (John 15:19). Since we still have to live in this world, we must use our God-given authority to enforce Satan's defeat. This is how we will enjoy the blessings of God we have in Christ, including financial prosperity.


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Conquering Fear

5 FebMar2018 CWHarticle

// Craig W. Hagin

PEOPLE OFTEN BECOME fearful when diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. Time and time again, I have seen fear grip people's hearts when doctors tell them that there is nothing more medical science can do for them.

I understand what it is like to receive bad news from a doctor. When I was 13 years old, I was having severe headaches. I found out that I had a brain tumor. It was about the size of my fist and was located at the base of my skull.

When the doctor talked to my parents and me, he told us he had to operate immediately. As he explained the surgery to us, he said he was concerned about how close the tumor was to my brain stem. If he touched my brain stem during surgery, I would die. The good news, however, was that the survival rate from this type of surgery was 80 percent.

As a 13-year-old, I didn't immediately focus on the 80 percent chance that everything was going to be OK. Thoughts of fear began bombarding my mind, and I focused on the 20 percent chance that I might die.

But I thank God that I was taught well. I took authority over the fear and cast it from my mind. I made myself think on the Word of God and the 80 percent chance of going through the surgery without complications. The operation was textbook perfect. The surgeon removed most of the tumor, and God removed the rest. I was completely healed.

The Enemy of Faith

Fear is an enemy of faith. It will stop the power of God from working in our lives. Faith is having an unquestioning belief in God. Fear, on the other hand, makes us question and ask things such as, "Will I make it?" Faith doesn't question. It has complete confidence and trust in God.

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Praying for Our Leaders

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// Kenneth W. Hagin

The Apostle Paul exhorts us to pray for those in authority. "I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty" (1 Tim. 2:1–2).

It's important that we pray for our leaders. Considering the unprecedented decisions that are made every day, we should pray for men and women in leadership on every level—national, state, and local.

We must never underestimate the power that we have in prayer. God delights in answering our prayers, but we have to ask first. John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, is credited to having said, "It seems God is limited by our prayer life—that He can do nothing for humanity unless someone asks Him."

Our prayers do avail much. When we pray, God promises that He will do exceedingly above all that we can ask or think. Situations may look like they will never change, but when we stand in faith, all things are possible.

It's easy to get caught up in our everyday lives. But let's not get so busy that we don't take time to pray for our leaders in government. We that call ourselves by the name of the Lord hold the key to the future of our land. If we will boldly take our place in prayer, we can change our nation for the better. Today, I encourage you to do that—to take your place in prayer.



Choosing Peace

WOF Article DHB

//Denise Hagin Burns

TYPICALLY WHEN MANY of us think of peace, we think of being comforted by the Holy Spirit during a time of tragedy. We pray for peace, and it helps us in our time of need. There are times, however, when the turmoil and anxiety in our lives seem endless. And we need peace for more than just a moment, day, or week.

In John 16:33 (NLT) Jesus said, "'I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.' "

Bad things are going to happen. There's no way around it. Jesus told us ahead of time so that we wouldn't be surprised. He wanted to prepare us, so when hard times come, our response is peace. Jesus was letting us know that in Him, we could live in perpetual peace. However, the choice is ours to make.

Finding Peace

Living a lifestyle of peace is not passive; it's active. Psalm 34:14 (NIV) gives us instructions on how to always have peace.

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Winter Bible Seminar & Rhema Homecoming 2023

Winter Bible Seminar & Rhema Homecoming


Come enjoy the Holy Spirit's refreshing at Winter Bible Seminar, February 19-24 at Rhema USA in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. Gather with people from across the U.S and around the world for a special time of ministry in the presence of the Lord.

Services begin Sunday, February 19, at 6 p.m. in the Rhema Bible Church Auditorium and continue Monday through Friday. Various speakers will minister at 8:30 and 9:30 a.m., followed by Lynette Hagin at 10:30 a.m. and Kenneth W. Hagin at 7 p.m.

Services will also be livestreamed on YouTube, Facebook, rhema.tv, and the Rhema USA app. Be sure to watch for event updates on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. To learn more or preregister, visit rhema.org/wbs or call 1-866-312-0972. Registration is free and open to everyone!

Winter Bible Seminar and Rhema Homecoming is a weeklong immersion in the Word and the moving of the Holy Spirit. Activities include a Rhema Bible Training College alumni fellowship. And WBS guests will have the opportunity to sit in on first- and second-hour RBTC classes.

Make plans now to be there!