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Word of Faith || Get Your Free Magazine

2012 April


Heart to Heart

hearttoheartJesus Is Alive!
It’s so important that we understand the power of Jesus’ resurrection. Without it, there would be no power to save—no power to heal and deliver. All Christ suffered on the cross would have been for nothing. He would have been just another individual crucified by the Romans. But thank God, Jesus’ crucifixion was not ordinary! Though no one could grasp it at the time, God had a magnificent plan to raise Christ from the dead.


You Can Forgive

You Can Forgive//Kenneth W. Hagin

A number of years ago, I heard a minister say that anytime you want a congregation to get really quiet, just start talking about paying tithes or church members’ children. I’ve also found that to be true when you preach on forgiveness. Whenever I preached on faith and told people that their faith wouldn’t work if they had an air of unforgiveness about them, they got really quiet.


Are You Still Carnal?

Are you still carnal

//Kenneth W. Hagin

When we are born again, our spirit being is made new. Our spirit man is immediately recreated and connected to God. Our body and our mind, however, are still the same. We still have the same body and we still think the same way. God leaves the transformation of our mind and the control of our body up to us.


The Blood Changes Everything!

Blood Changes

//Mark Hankins

I remember the first time I ate wasabi. People warned me, “Watch out for that green stuff.” But I told them, “I’m from Texas! I eat jalapeño peppers. I’m not afraid of wasabi. Give me a bunch of it.”


Committed to Costa Rica

Costa Rica//Gary & Elena Meador

Gary and Elena Meador were put to such a test when they started Rhema Costa Rica in 2007. The school had been open for only a few months when armed bandits raided it. Gary saw their car pulling up in front of the building and rushed to the front entrance to lock the door. But by the time he got there, it was too late. The bandits had already barged in. They pulled out their guns and began pistol-whipping Gary until he was knocked unconscious.