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Because God Cares for Me I am Worry Free

JuneJuly Pic 1a//Kenneth W. Hagin

Have you ever heard someone say, 'No one cares about me'? You might be feeling that way right now. But there is Someone Who cares infinitely more than you'll ever realize. God cares about you!

We are instructed in First Peter 5:7 to "cast our cares upon the Lord because He cares about us." The New International Version translation of this verse tells us to cast our "anxiety" on the Lord.

What does it mean to cast your cares on the Lord? To cast means "to throw off, throw aside, or throw away." God doesn't want us to go through life burdened down with cares. We can throw off all of our cares.

Many people take a stab at casting their cares on the Lord. They give it a try, but the Bible doesn't tell us to give it a try. The Bible says we're to do it!

In my own life and ministry, I have to put First Peter 5:7 into practice on a regular basis. As the head of a large ministry, I have a big responsibility. At times I feel the pressure of everyday operations. When I'm tempted to buckle under the load, I say, "No! This is God's ministry. If He can't make it go, I sure can't! I'll do everything I know to do, but I am not going to worry!"

That's what you need to do too. No matter what you face, you need to make up your mind that you're not going to worry.

Look at the last part of First Peter 5:7: "He careth for you." The Twentieth Century New Testament translation says, "He makes you his care." That means when you cast your cares over on God, He makes you His number-one priority!

We need to understand that God is omnipresent. In other words, He is present in all places at all times. And God is personally concerned about mankind and will be personally involved in the lives of everyone who goes to Him and gives Him his or her cares and burdens.

Now God will not override your will. He will not make you do something you don't want to do. He won't force you to give Him your worry. Nor will He forcibly remove your cares. You have to go to Him with your cares.

Do you believe that God really cares about you? God cared enough for mankind to redeem us. When Adam and Eve messed up and sinned in the Garden of Eden, God didn't abandon them, because He cared about them! He cared enough about mankind to send Jesus to redeem us. And then He cared enough about us to send us the Holy Spirit.

ACTS 2:4
4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

God sent us the Holy Spirit to help us overcome all of our tests, trials, and tribulations. The Holy Spirit is here to deliver us and teach us. We have the power of the Spirit available to us because God cares!

God cares about us and will sustain us by His power in the midst of any situation or circumstance we may face in life.

PSALM 55:22
22 Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.

God cared enough about us to provide us with salvation, the gift of the Holy Spirit, and healing for our bodies. But He also cares enough about us to meet our personal needs.

19 But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Patience and perseverance are keys to receiving the blessings of God. Have you ever started out obeying God, but then your situation didn't look like it was improving? You obeyed, but it didn't look like you were making any headway.

When some people try to lose weight, it can look as if nothing is happening even though they are eating properly and exercising. If these people will keep doing what they're doing, after a few months they'll notice a difference. They may not see the desired results all at once. But if they keep up their good eating habits and their exercise program over a period of time, they will see more and more results.

That's the way it is with believing God. You may not see an instant change in your circumstances, but if you will keep doing God's Word, you will see results!
Faith has a part to play in casting our cares on the Lord. It takes faith to let go of our problems and give them to God. Then after we give our problems to God, we are to go on our way, carefree and worry-free.

Your success in life depends on how much you trust the Lord and whether you cast your cares on Him. In other words, your success depends on your obedience to God and His Word.

I challenge you to cast your cares on the Lord. I challenge you to move into new arenas of victorious living with God by living a worry-free life. If you'll commit yourself to resting and trusting in God, you will move up a notch spiritually. If you need to ask God to forgive you for worrying, then do it and receive your forgiveness. Then go on down the road of life worry-free, because God cares for you!