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Highlights From Kindle the Flame 2024



Highlights From Kindle the Flame 2024



What a conference Kindle the Flame 2024 was. From the very beginning, every word that was spoken touched the hearts of the women in a deeply needed way. God's anointing manifested in different ways throughout the weekend. At the beginning of the conference, the ladies had a time of consecration and commitment to the Lord. The women were encouraged to be mindful of their thoughts, learning to take control rather than letting their thoughts control them. Then the Holy Spirit gently ministered to those who experienced past trauma, bringing healing and comfort.

At the end, the women had a time of rejoicing, confident that no matter how many times the devil tries to knock them down, they will rise again. The three-day conference ended with the beautiful Candlelight, Prayer & Praise service.

The women left with a renewed purpose and understanding that when they align their hearts, thoughts, and prayers with God's will, He will direct their steps and lead them on paths that influence their families, workplaces, communities, and nations.

Make plans to attend Kindle the Flame 2025, September 25-27. In the meantime, enjoy these highlights.


Speaker Highlights


"When you're following God's plan for your life, the enemy will always put bumps in your way. Instead of allowing those bumps to become stumbling blocks, make them stepping stones! Step over all those bumps to fulfill the plan God has for you."
// Lynette Hagin

"The main cause of anxiety comes from thoughts. What we think about has a profound effect on our lives. Show me your thoughts, I will show you what your future looks like. Our life always progresses toward what we think."
// Denise Hagin Burns

"God is saying that we need to do just one thing—connect with Him. We wouldn't think not to charge our phones every day. Charging is so important. Charging is like connecting with the Lord on a daily basis."
// Julie Beemer

"Your life was preordained before you were born. You are not your parents' idea; you are God's idea. You were born with spiritual identity, and it is essential that you do what you were born to do."
// Patsy Cameneti

"You can't keep a good godly woman down. We're in the boxing ring of life, and it gets serious. We have up days, and days when we get back up, but we refuse to have down days. We may get knocked down, but we get back up."
// Bonnie Huffman

"God has a plan and purpose for your life. He placed dreams in you for such a time as this. As you align your heart and will with God, He will help you walk out the plan He has for you."
// Rhonda Rogers