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A Call to Arms 2022: Destined To Win

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A Call to Arms 2022: Destined To Win

On November 34, hundreds of men from different walks of life gathered on the Rhema USA campus to be encouraged and inspired to live to their full potential in God. Speakers at A Call to Arms 2022 spoke from their hearts as they ministered on issues men face every day.

Kenneth W. Hagin's opening message, "Destined To Win," addressed a winner's attitude in life. Through a stirring retelling of David and Goliath, men were motivated to see themselves the way God sees them—as winners. When the call for prayer was given, many went forward.

The next day, the men were charged to see themselves as the kings God created them to be. The young adults were taught that prayer determines the outcome of our lives. Craig W. Hagin gave the final charge, encouraging men to act like winners. No matter what is going on in the world, the Greater One lives in us, and He has already given us the victory. Kenneth W. Hagin closed the conference with communion.

Make plans now to attend A Call to Arms 2023 on November 2-3!

Speaker Highlights

"How do you see yourself? Do you see yourself like God sees you? God does not see a weak person. He sees a strong person, a smart person, a talented person. Winning begins by seeing yourself correctly, by seeing yourself as a winner. There are buildings to be built, books to be written, and songs to be sung. In every area of life, God has destined every one of us to win." // Kenneth W. Hagin

"The Bible says you have already won because the dead-raising Spirit of the Living God lives inside you. You have the answer to every problem before you get to the problem. So you need to act like you walk with Jesus. Everywhere you step, He's always with you, causing you to triumph in every situation. But it's up to you to act like it." // Craig W. Hagin

"If we are going to lead, we must first learn how to follow. The first characteristic of a godly man is submission. It is actually the place where we find our purpose. Adam fell into sin because he failed to submit to God. We all have places where we want to run our own lives. It takes courage to submit completely to God." // Mark Bintliff

"God intended us to get our thoughts from His Word. If you imagine something without casting it down, it will become a stronghold in your life and affect your future. The degree to which your life is healthy is how you manage your thoughts." // Wyatt Brown

"People are focused on unessential things rather than the vision God has laid out for them. A lot of times we get focused on provision more than we do vision. We say, 'If we have this, then we can. What's in your hands? What did Moses have? He had a stick. Dorcas had a needle!' " // Josh Gresham

"Real men dominate! We don't run away from challenges, we run toward them! You are God's best! He picked His best for the last hour. You are an agent of change. He has given you power, dominion, and authority, and you are here to win the race!" // Roddy Shaffer

"The battle is what causes the greatest victories. It's the process of going through difficult times that causes a resolve in us. We want the mountaintop experience, but fruit is produced in the valley. And fruit is what sustains us through hard times and difficult things." // Jesse Tricola