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  1. EAS01H

    Jesus came so that we might have Zoe--the God-kind of life. When we receive Zoe through the New Birth, we become prime candidates for abundant living! Kenneth E. Hagin explains the effects Zoe can have upon us.

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  2. Zach Morris - Thursday, February 24, 8:30 a.m. - The Exchange Zone (1 MP3 DOWNLOAD)
  3. EACH35S

    Learn how to pray in line with Scripture and get results every time.

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  4. EAJ19S

    Lock the Door on Discouragement Learn More
  5. EAJ20S

    You Can Bounce Back! Learn More
  6. EA16H04S

    Discover the secret to overcoming every one of life's difficulties.  Our words make a difference!

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  7. EALH04S

    Let God’s Word empower you for success! Listen as Lynette Hagin reads verses from the Bible to encourage you that God has good plans for your life, and He will help you achieve them. This CD also includes a number of uplifting songs.

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  8. EALH02S

    Do you desire freedom from anxiety? Do you need help to relax? This soothing CD is sure to bring peace to a restless soul. Lynette Hagin reads verses from the Bible over a background of comforting music. Let the Word of God give you peace!

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  9. EAJ17S

    As Christians we don't have to let things of this world--sin, sickness, and poverty--dominate us. We can triumph over every snare of the enemy and experience God's Kingdom each day. Learn More
  10. Words (1 MP3 Download)

    Our words make us or break us. In this message, believers can learn the importance of what we say. As we speak God’s words of life, we will always come out on top.

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