- Description
Have you ever watched a boxing match and noticed that, many times, one boxer throw the knockout punch that ends the match? Well, the devil is our adversary in life who is always bringing difficult circumstances our way. But we can knock him right out of the ring of our life by throwing him a knockout punch.
In Rev. Kenneth W. Hagin's two-CD series 'Defeating the Giants in Your Life', you will learn how to be a giant killer by realizing that Jesus Christ who lives inside of you is bigger than any "giant" you will ever face!
If you are going to be a giant killer you must learn how:
- To know who you are, where you're going, and how you're going to get there
- To grow up spiritually
- To bless and comfort others
- To have no fear
- To keep a humble attitude and not become arrogant
℗ 2002 © 2005
- Additional Information
Additional Information
Name Defeating The Giants In Your Life (2 CDs) SKU CS52J ISBN 10 606160893 ISBN 13 9781606160893 Weight 0.2313 Author Kenneth W. Hagin copyright © 2002 Number of Discs 2 Discs Number of Messages N/A Media Format CD - Reviews