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  1. EACJ09S

    God has a perfect plan for your life. If He tells you to go “there” as He did Elijah in First Kings chapter 17, then “there” is God’s place of purpose, provision, and power for you.

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  2. EAS55J
  3. Darrell Huffman-Survive and Thrive in This Age, Wednesday, July 27, 7:30 p.m. (MP3)
  4. EACS56J

    Be inspired to believe God and follow His plan for your life. You will hear stories of men and women who decided to walk with God and did the impossible. You can do the same!

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  5. EAS52J

    Are you a giant slayer? This teaching shows you how to become one! Defeat your giants by applying godly principles in your life--learning who you are, growing up spiritually, living without fear, and more--to thwart the devil's attacks. Learn More
  6. EAJ05S

    God is always ready to do a miracle, but are you ready to receive it? If you're not sure, this teaching by Kenneth W. Hagin can help you get ready. Learn More
  7. EAJ10S

    God has a job for each of us. And fulfilling our role in our local church is a key part of that job. Learn More
  8. EAJ13S

    Kenneth W. Hagin will inspire you to stand strong in the midst of adversity. You'll learn how you can come out of any fiery trial without being burned or even smelling like smoke! Learn More
  9. EAS45J

    All the blessings of God were secured for us by Jesus Christ in His redemptive act on the cross. Kenneth W. Hagin explains how to receive the wonderful benefits God has provided for us in Christ. Learn More
  10. EAJ15S

    Do you want to experience a higher level of Christian living? Discover how you can move from the cross of Calvary to the throne room of God and live a life of victory. Learn More

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