

His Name Shall Be Called Wonderful


// Kenneth E. Hagin

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace."

IN THIS TEXT, Isaiah, by the Spirit of God, is prophesying concerning the birth of Jesus, the coming Messiah.

We could preach a sermon or two on the phrase "his name shall be called Wonderful," then preach several on "Counsellor" and "The mighty God." In fact, we could almost preach forever on these phrases. In this article we'll consider the phrase "his name shall be called Wonderful."

Jesus was Wonderful in His conception and the announcing of His birth. All of the writers of the Gospel cover the story, but because Luke goes into a little more detail, I like his account best.

Luke begins by telling us the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto Nazareth, a city in Galilee, to a virgin named Mary. She was espoused, or engaged, to a man named Joseph. When Gabriel greeted Mary and told her she was highly favored by God, she was troubled. She was not sure what manner of salutation this was. Let's let the Word of God tell the rest. Read More...



A Call to Arms 2021: Ascending to a Higher Life

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 Men from across the U.S. gathered at Kenneth W. Hagin's A Call to Arms® Men's Conference to renew their faith and grow in the Word of God. Comfort zones were broken as men were challenged to turn their adversities into advantages and rise to the levels God has called them.

The opening message, "Ascending to a Higher Life," motivated the men to see their potential and ascend to the level of God's plans and promises for their lives. Guards came down, and hearts opened to receive the wisdom, freedom, strength, and healing each session imparted. The men also built up, encouraged, and ministered to their fellow brothers in Christ.

It was a great time of fun and fellowship. Hundreds of men left the conference changed and ready to go to another level in their walk with God.

Make plans now to attend A Call to Arms 2022 on November 3-4!

"God is able to raise us up to His plans and promises for our lives. But first we need to rise to a new relationship with God and be the godly men we're supposed to be." // Kenneth W. Hagin

"Knowing who you are in Christ will change the way you think, the way you act, and the way you move. And by changing the way you think, you will change your outcome." // Craig W. Hagin

"When you look intently into the mirror of the Word of God, you're going to be transformed into the very same image of that which you behold." // David Crammer

"We have a Rock. And no matter what's going on in this crazy world, He remains the same. He's always good. He's always love. He's always mercy." // Jordan Gash

"You've been called to minister to God and for God. You are called to be a conduit to which God can put the fullness of His Spirit inside you so you can help fulfill His will." // Zach Morris

"You were designed to rule, reign, and dominate in life. That's what you were built and created for. The idea of ascension is paramount to everyone. It's an inner drive and the way you were designed." // Josh Pennington 


Join Us for Kindle the Flame, September 23-25!

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 Looking for a change? Want to experience life on a new level? If so, it's time to go higher. Join us September 23-25 at Lynette Hagin's Kindle the Flame Women's Conference 2021.

Come get refreshed! Start seeing your situation from God's point of view. Remember, His burden is light! The three-day conference will be hosted by Lynette Hagin and Denise Hagin Burns. It includes general ministry sessions, heart-to-heart talks, and much more.

For more details, visit rhema.org/ktf or call 1-866-312-0972. Early bird registration is only $40 and ends September 15. Regular registration begins September 16 and is $45.

We look forward to seeing you!





It's Not Too Late!


 Kenneth W. Hagin's A Call to Arms Men's Conference happens Thursday-Friday, November 4-5, on the Rhema USA campus in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. You can still register at the door! Join Kenneth W. and Craig W. Hagin and spend two days climbing higher in the things of God.

In each session, the speakers will share practical knowledge and godly wisdom on issues that matter to men. There will also be great worship and time to hang out with the guys. The conference is a perfect opportunity to get away and be challenged to live all-in for God.

Don't miss it! Visit rhema.org/cta for more conference details!





Join Us for Campmeeting 2021

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Get ready to boost your faith at Campmeeting! It will be a powerful week of teaching, preaching, worship, and fellowship. Expect to be strengthened and refreshed in God's presence as you gather with other faith-filled believers from around the world. You don't want to miss it!

The first service begins Sunday, July 25, at 6 p.m. in the Rhema Bible Church auditorium. Services continue Monday through Friday at 10 a.m., 2:30, and 7:30 p.m.

Sessions will also be livestreamed on YouTube, Facebook, rhema.tv, and the Rhema USA app. Be sure to watch for event updates on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. To learn more or register, visit rhema.org/cm. Registration is free and open to everyone!

We believe your life will be changed during these meetings. We look forward to seeing you!