

Christmas Lights 'Flip the Switch'!

Christmas lights Rhema Bible ChurchJoin us at the Rhema Lighting Ceremony November 23rd at 6PM

There's nothing like sparkling Christmas lights to make everyone feel like a kid again!

On Wednesday, November 23, hundreds of people will pack the Rhema Park to count down with Pastor Kenneth and Lynnette Hagin and the Hagin family as they 'flip the switch' on a brilliant display of two million lights.

Young and old alike will eagerly make their way throughout the park and around the campus to take in every decorative light in various theme displays and designs.  

As Pastor Kenneth W. Hagin has said, the Christmas Lights Extravaganza is Rhema's opportunity to show the community that Jesus is the light of the world. People from surrounding states and the local community have been enjoying the lights display for over 30 years.

If you're in the Broken Arrow area, stop by and check out this unforgettable display of lights, 5:30–11:30 p.m. November 23rd through New Year's Day. Find more information and frequently asked questions at rhemalights.org


Hungry for Him

Sept WOF 4A Call to Arms Speaker Highlight


"When You said, 'Seek My face,' My heart said to You, 'Your face, Lord, I will seek.' "
—Psalm 27:8 (NKJV)

I believe God is going to give us a hunger to go after Him as never before. When I say this, most people look at me and say, "I've been in the church for 20 years" or "I've been saved for this long." That doesn't matter. There's another dimension—another realm—with God. And if we'll go after Him, we'll find Him in a way that we've never found Him before.



Don't Sell Yourself Short

KTF1Kindle the Flame Women's Conference Speaker Highlight

//Donna Pickens

I WANT YOU TO KNOW THIS—you are somebody. YOU ARE SOMEBODY, GOING SOMEWHERE, TO BE EFFECTIVE FOR GOD. You are special. You are valuable. And you are worthy in the sight of God. You are a pearl of great price. You are the apple of His eye. And God has proven it in the Bi- ble over and over again how much He cares for you.


By Wisdom Kings Rule

PCamenetiKindle the Flame Women's Conference Speaker Highlight

//Patsy Cameneti

"Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority."
—1 Timothy 2:1–2 (NKJV)

We are instructed in First Timothy 2:1–2 to pray and give thanks for kings and all who are in authority. Since we have been instructed to do so, it would be reasonable to say we have also been authorized and commissioned by God to pray these prayers. How should we pray? What do we ask for on behalf of these kings and all others in authority?


Seeing Prayers Answered in Turbulent Times

turbulent timesIt's sad to say, but far too many Christians live burdened down by the negative influence of the world. They accept failure too readily, because they have allowed their faith to become weak and their spirits to grow faint from the negativity around them.

Of course, it would be foolish to deny that we live in a negative world. We live in a world full of trouble. Real problems exist everywhere. So what is a Christian supposed to do?