

Successful Living


The Restoration Power of God

The Restoration Power of GodBy Brenda Thomas

Whatever the enemy has tried to take away from you, God wants to restore it. God wants to make it better than before. That’s the kind of Father He is. Every day we have choices put before us. We can be tempted to get hurt, wounded, or depressed. We can complain and remain in the same awful condition. Or we can praise God and be raised up.


The Need for Modern-Day Timothys

Modern Day TimothysBy Tony Cooke

Leaders in the Body of Christ today are searching for workers who will be loyal, faithful, and provide quality service. They need people like Timothy, a man who remains a sterling example of how supportive ministers can assist leaders today.


Single and Not Looking

Single and Not LookingAn Interview With Chris Burge

Question: What is the biggest issue facing Christian singles today?

Burge: Christian singles are always asking, “Where do I go to meet the right person?” but I believe that’s the wrong perspective. I believe that you have to first become the right person and then God will send the right mate to you. We need to change our focus from, “Where do I go to find people,” to, “How can I become the type of person I would like the Lord to send me?”


The Good Man

The Good ManBy Keith Butler

The steps of a GOOD MAN are ordered by the Lord: and He delighteth in his way.

—Psalms 37:23

The phrase “good man” is found in both the New and Old Testaments. Studying the Hebrew and Greek use of this phrase yields definitions such as “literally or morally valuable; virtuous” and “better man; honest man; worthy man; well-favored man.” The Word of God also gives some particular attributes of a “good man.”


It’s Okay to Cry

It's ok to cryBy Tony Cooke

“Many Christians said things like, ‘Oh, I heard your dad died. Praise the Lord, he’s in Heaven,’ and, ‘He was saved, right? Then you don’t have anything to be concerned about.’ Those comments seemed so insensitive. I know my father was saved, but I still missed him in the natural. Some people forget that we are still human and have emotions. A mere, ‘I’m sorry to hear about your dad,’ spoken sincerely by non-Christians was more comforting than some of the church things I heard.”