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Kindle the Flame 2014: A New Season

KTF Article Lynette HaginLadies who attended this year's Kindle the Flame Women's Conference didn't come just to hear a few pretty words. They came expecting to receive from God. And a tangible anointing followed their expectation in every service and workshop.

Throughout the three-day conference, ladies learned how to think the right thoughts by continually washing themselves with the water of the Word. They discovered the importance of staying filled, refilled, and overflowing with the power of the Holy Ghost. They were encouraged that no hindrance from Satan can stop them from fulfilling God's plan for their lives. And their eyes were opened to the reality that the alarm is sounding: Jesus is coming soon! As. Lynette Hagin told the ladies on Saturday night, "It's about to become a new season. And I believe God has been preparing us for this new season this weekend."

Here's just a taste of what women experienced during this awesome weekend. Be sure to join us next year for Kindle the Flame 2015, to be held September 24-26 on the Rhema campus in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma.

Kindle the Flame Speaker Highlights