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A Call to Arms 2014

CTA ArticleBuilding Men of Character

The men who came to this year's A Call to Arms Men's Conference weren't there just to spend a couple of days out with the guys. They came expecting to hear from God. And they weren't disappointed.

In each main session, the men who attended were encouraged and challenged spiritually. But they also got help to handle the realities of daily life as Christians. Through nuts-and-bolts Power Talks, attendees were inspired to step up and be godly men in their families, work, finances, morals, leadership, and testimony.

Here's a sample of what men experienced this year. Be sure to join us next year for A Call to Arms 2015, to be held November 5-7 on the Rhema campus in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma.

A Call to Arms Speaker Highlights

"It's your responsibility to keep yourself spiritually fit, to be a godly man, living with the moral character that God says you are to have. It would be great if you could go to the store and buy this fitness, or get it just sitting in the classroom at Bible college or in the pew at church. Those things can give you information that will help lead you there, but they can't keep you spiritually fit. You've got to do that yourself." //Kenneth W. Hagin

"When we know who we are in Christ, fear will not motivate us, because we're not motivated by what we see and feel. We're motivated by the Word of God on the inside of us." //Craig W. Hagin

"This is not the time to give up on your confidence. Don't give up on who God made you to be, your dream, your prayer, or your vision. You will reap a harvest if you faint not." //Andy Thompson

"Everything you do while you're on the earth will become history at some point. But everything you set in motion becomes legacy." //Dale C. Bronner