
Heart to Heart

Heart to HeartCan one man pay for the sins of the world?

As we celebrate the Easter season this year, the words the Lord spoke on the cross—“. . . It is finished . . .” (John 19:30)—still echo down through the ages. And they provide salvation and healing for everyone who trusts in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

When Christ uttered those words, it meant that He had borne the sins of the whole world, along with the penalty of sin for every human being who has ever lived or ever will live. “It is finished” are the most powerful words ever spoken, and they have given you and me divine healing and eternal life.

There are people who say, “How can one man pay for the sins of the entire world?”

But this was no ordinary Man. This was the Lamb of God. Consider for a moment Who He really was.

The Bible says that in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God (John 1:1). That’s talking about Jesus Christ, the One Who hung on Calvary’s cross. He’s also the One Who was there in the beginning when the heavens and the earth were made . . . and that’s why He could pay the price for the sins of all mankind!

Ephesians 1:7 tells us, “In whom [Jesus] we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins. . . .” Forgiveness for sins comes only one way, and that’s through the blood Jesus Christ shed on Calvary!

What significance those three words—“It is finished”—have for us today! What is finished? Our sins have been forgiven because Jesus paid the price for them with His blood.

What is finished? Our sickness has been done away with by the supreme sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. Every man, woman, boy, and girl should be exceedingly glad that He spoke the words “It is finished.” They signify that we have been redeemed, and we don’t have to bear the burden of sin, sickness, and poverty anymore!

While the work of Jesus on the earth is finished, the work of RHEMA and its graduates continues. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is spreading across the earth, and RHEMA graduates are doing their part. In the article titled Training Laborers In Egypt, you can read about the opening of RHEMA Bible Training Center Egypt.

Kenneth W. Hagin