

Heart To Heart

Kenneth W. HaginBy Kenneth W. Hagin

God is a Loving Father! On Father’s Day, many of us look back to our childhood with fond memories. It thrills us when we think about all the things we did with our fathers and the sacrifices they made for us. However, I realize that some people didn’t have a loving, nurturing father, and others never knew their earthly fathers.

But no matter what kind of experience we’ve had with our earthly fathers, if we’ve received Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord, we have a loving, compassionate Heavenly Father.

God has so many good things in store for us because we’re His children. Jesus said in Luke 12:32, “ ‘Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom’ ” (NIV). And in Matthew 7:11 (NIV), the Lord compared the love of an earthly father to the Heavenly Father’s love. He said, “ ‘If you . . . know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!’ ” God is just looking for ways to show His love to us!

Notice that Matthew 7:11 says the Father gives good things to those who ask him. So we need to ask. But when we ask our Heavenly Father for something, we don’t have to use flowery words or fancy speeches. We can walk right into the throne room of Heaven and say, “Father, I have a problem, and here’s what I need.” When we go to Him in that way and ask in faith, He will give us what we need.

Sometimes we don’t realize how good our Heavenly Father really is. James 1:17 says, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father . . .” (NIV). God reveals His goodness to us in so many ways every day. He is infinitely good, beyond what we can imagine. And as we honor our earthly fathers this Father’s Day, let us not forget to honor our Heavenly Father—the One Who freely gives us all good things (Romans 8:32)!