

Excerpt from El Shaddai by Kenneth E. Hagin

El Shaddai"No!" I said. "I don't mind telling you, I'll  never have the Asian flu.”{/selflink}

An excerpt from the book El Shaddai by Kenneth E. Hagin

"I was preaching at a Full Gospel church in October 1957 when an epidemic of Asian flu hit Southern California. I picked up The Los Angeles Times and the headline said that 2 million people in Southern California had the Asian flu."

The pastor of the Full Gospel church (think about it: Full Gospel— that means it's supposed to be the whole Gospel) said, "Brother Hagin, aren't you afraid you will get the Asian flu?'

"No!" I said. "I don't mind telling you, I'll never have the Asian flu.”

And that Full Gospel pastor, with unbelief running down his face like syrup down a syrup bucket, had such great respect, such great reverence, for the devil, he whispered, “ Brother Hagin, I’d be afraid to say anything like that!”

I said, “Why?”

He said, “Why, don’t you know the devil will hear you?”

He didn’t know God’s the Almighty One. He didn’t know He’s the One who is more than enough. He thought the devil is the one who is more than enough, and he’s going to put the flu on them. He just whispered—knew he was in the presence of the devil. Sure the devil was there; he had been buddying up to and bedding down with that preacher for years. Here this preacher was, whispering in the devil’s presence, “Don’t you know the devil will hear you?”

“ Yeah,” I said. “ I wanted him to hear it. I said it for his benefit. He’s the very dude I wanted to hear it!”

When Kenneth E. Hagin was a bedridden teenager, Satan tried to rob him of his life. But the Spirit of God spoke the following phrase of Scripture to his spirit: "With long life will I satisfy him"(Ps. 91:16). As Brother Hagin studied the Scriptures, he learned about El Shaddai. One of the seven covenant names through which God revealed Himself to Israel, El Shaddai means " the All-Sufficient One", or "the God Who is more than enough" The 91st Psalm alone lists seven things that El Shaddai said He will do for the person who sets his love upon Him.

The book is available for purchase by clicking here.