

Faith Champions


//Craig Hagin

Some people have the attitude that whatever happens, happens. They just go through the motions of life day in and day out. Sometimes they win, and sometimes they lose. Life is really what we make of it. If we want to be champions and win in the game of life, we have to do something to make that happen. Success doesn’t just “fall” on us. We have to act like champions. And that starts by thinking and saying that we’re winners.

Traits of a Champion

To win in life, we must think and act like champions. Here are some ways to do that.

Look like a champion. Champions have confidence. They believe in themselves. As Christians, we can do that and also tap into God’s abilities.

Act like a champion.
Even when things look bad, we can still act like winners, knowing that faith in God will turn adversity around.

Stay in shape.
The Word of God puts the devil on the run. We must not only know the Word, we must also be doers of the Word.

Examine our friendships.
We are a reflection of our friends. Our friendships should lift us up, not weigh us down.

Don’t quit.
As long as we keep getting up, we’re still in the game.

We are told to “have faith in God” (Mark 11:22). Some people try to have faith in their own faith or in someone else’s faith. But our faith must be squarely based in God and His Word. We have to believe that God will do for us what His Word promises. How do we get the promises of God to become realities in our lives?


To learn more about being a champion in life, download or listen online, Winning in The Time of Trouble RHEMA For Today Podcast.

Open Your Mouth and Talk

Mark 11:23 says, “whosoever shall SAY unto this mountain . . .” Whosoever applies to anyone who will put this verse into practice. So we’re going to have to open our mouths and start talking. But to be successful, we have to watch what we say. Are we speaking the Word or are we speaking our circumstances?

Are we talking to the mountains in our lives—those things that keep us from experiencing the abundance we are promised in John 10:10? Scripture says that when we speak to mountains, they have to move! Mountains don’t move because we want them to move. They move because we command them to go.

But have we been saying things like, “The economy doesn’t seem to be turning around.” “If my company starts laying off people, I bet I’ll lose my job.” “Nothing ever works out for me. I’ll probably lose my house.”

We can’t talk like this and expect to have things work out for us. Good or bad, we get what we say. When we speak the Word, we will have the Word. But when we speak defeat, we’ll be defeated. Instead of being moved by our  circumstances and talking about how bad things are, we must speak the Word.

We are told in Mark 11:24 that we will receive what we believe when we pray. Although we might not have what we are praying for, if we’ll continue standing in faith, our faith will give substance to what isn’t there.

What Is Faith?

According to Webster’s New World Dictionary, faith is an “unquestioning belief.” One way to tell whether we are in faith is if we’re questioning. Are we wondering if what God promised will come to pass in our lives? If so, we’re not in faith.

Sometimes we might start out well. But when we stand a long time and don’t see anything change, we can be tempted to question God and wonder if He will provide. And sometimes when we’ve been standing for a long time, we just get tired.

My oldest son likes to snow ski. I’ve noticed different times when we’ve skied, I start falling down when I get tired. The same thing happens when we’re tired spiritually. We start falling down. We start saying things that derail our faith—things like, “It’s never going to happen.”

Don’t Quit!

At times like this, we have to remember Galatians 6:9. I like the New English Translation of this verse. It says “in due time we will reap, if we do not give up.”

My dad’s motto is “I cannot be defeated, and I will not quit.” This must be our attitude. We must never give up. No  matter what our circumstances look like, we must continue standing. If we just won’t quit, our situation will turn around.

God has given us everything we need to be faith champions. We have His Word, and we have the blood and the Name of Jesus. The devil roams the earth looking for someone he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). May is a big word there. What happens to us depends on us. If we’ll stand strong in our victory in Christ and use the weapons we’ve been given, we will triumph over the devil at every turn. And we’ll be champions of faith in every situation!