

Winter Bible Seminar 2011

Winter Bible 2011

//Getting Back to the Basics

The last bit of February snow melted as the first attendees of Winter Bible Seminar 2011 began to arrive. Everyone sighed with relief as the relentless pounding of winter storms gave way to the crisp, fresh smell of spring.

Throughout the week, the RHEMA Bible Church auditorium buzzed with excitement as men and women from across the United States and around the world gathered together. In every service, from the moment the worship team took center stage and the first musical chords were struck, it was evident that WBS 2011 attendees were eager to be ignited by the fire of the Holy Spirit.


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>> “I’m very convinced that if you’re having trouble recognizing the Spirit of God’s voice as He works in you, then you will probably have difficulty recognizing the Spirit of God’s voice as He’s endeavoring to work through you.” // Doug Jones

>> “I don’t know what you’re supposed to do as far as ministry assignments. But without question, I know what we’re supposed to do concerning our communion with the Father. We should get to know Him, understand what He is like, and come to a place of trust, fellowship, and relationship with Him.” // Joe Duininck

>> “We say what we believe. In order to have a spirit of faith, you have to believe and you have to speak. A lot of people can quote the Bible, but do you believe what you’re saying?” // Rick Fern

>> “Line yourself up with the Word of God. Stop believing how you feel. Stop believing what you’ve done before. Don’t believe more in your mistakes than you do in the Word of God. He says you’re led by the Spirit. He says you hear His voice and follow.” // Karen Jensen

>> “Is it God’s pathway to be broke and  depressed? No! God wants us to prosper in all things. But not only does He want us to prosper—He wants us in health” (3 John 2). // Jeanne Orrison

>> “Sometimes the Holy Spirit will lead us into the wilderness. I believe there are a lot of Christians who are full of the Spirit, but they aren’t operating in the power of the Spirit because they haven’t learned how to deal with what’s in the wilderness.” // Kirk DuBois

>> “A lot of Christians right now are in a holding pattern. They have been waiting for God to do something in their lives or waiting on the economy to change. But I believe God is waiting on us to do something.” // Craig W. Hagin

>> “The Body of Christ isn’t going to increase unless you increase, because that gives us a  greater capacity to reach a lost and dying world. Some studies show that there are over four billion people who haven’t heard the Name of Jesus yet. We have a work to do!” // Tad Gregurich

>> “Submission is a plan of God for you to walk in blessing, but submission isn’t natural. Submission is not something our carnal flesh ever yearns for. Our human nature doesn’t want to submit. It requires the renewing of your mind.” // Bob Keich

>> “Stretch yourself. It’s good for you to be uncomfortable every now and then. When you are stretched, you have to depend on the Lord! If you’ll allow Him, God will put you in situations where you’re stretched just so you’ll learn to rely more on Him.” // Bill Ray

So often, people come to seminars seeking a word from the Lord to pull them through the adversity they are  facing. But throughout the week, Kenneth and Lynette Hagin eloquently expounded on how the basics of our faith will cause us to triumph over any trial.

Kenneth W. Hagin exhorted the crowd to make much of the blood, for the power of the blood that was shed on Calvary’s Hill is the secret of a powerful life in Christ. Certainly we are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, but there is so much more to the blood of Jesus than that. We have protection and healing because of the blood.And all of God’s blessings are accessed through the blood of Christ.

In each of her five messages, Lynette Hagin stressed the importance of communing with our Heavenly Father. As we do, He will show us what to do, how to pray, and how to stand. “We’re coming into a new season,” she proclaimed, “so it is vitally important that we stay sensitive to the Holy Spirit.”

After listening to the RBTC instructors who ministered during the Winter Bible Seminar morning sessions, you would have thought they talked ahead of time to ensure that their messages would perfectly dovetail with each other. But no such discussion took place. The Holy Spirit, Who is so adept at orchestrating the minutest details, gave each speaker the precise message for the hour.

During the Thursday evening service, 29 people had hands laid on them and were ordained for ministry. The occasion was especially poignant for Kenneth W. Hagin as eight former members of the RHEMA Singers and Band were ordained. Rev. Hagin closed Winter Bible Seminar with a healing service Friday evening. He reminded the  congregation that faith activates the power of God. Citing the example of the woman with the issue of blood (Mark 5:25–34), he said that no matter how hopeless our circumstances may appear, they change when we touch Jesus in faith. He then ministered with a strong healing anointing and many testified they felt an immediate change in their bodies.

Those who came stressed left refreshed. Those who were searching for direction discovered that the light of God’s Word and the Holy Spirit illuminated their path. New friendships were made and old ones rekindled. Everyone who attended would agree that Winter Bible Seminar was the place to be during the last week of February.

Have a Good Day . . . Every Day

//Lynette Hagin

Do you ever wonder how you can have a good day every day? I’ll tell you how. If you’ll keep building yourself up in the Word, if you’ll keep building yourself up by communicating with your Heavenly
Father—in spite of what’s going on in your life—it can be a good day.

People often say to me, “You’re always smiling.” Yes, I am. Why am I smiling? I’m smiling because I don’t care how I feel on the inside. I know what my God is doing on my behalf, and I know the outcome of every situation I face. Romans 8:28 says that all things work together for good to them that love the Lord and are called according to His purpose. This verse doesn’t say that all things are good. But it does say that regardless of what happens in our lives, we can have confidence because our Father is working out everything for our good. So why not smile now? Why not laugh now? God is turning our situations around!