

Campmeeting: kid's unlimited

Kid's UnlimitedRockin’ Out for Jesus

“I promise you’ll have a blast,” said Denise Burns, RHEMA Bible Church children’s minister, to a group of high-energy elementary kids. And they weren’t disappointed! From visiting the land of the pharaohs to being shipwrecked on an island, Campmeeting’s kids experienced it all!

In the mornings, kids “traveled” to Egypt to study the life of Joseph and how he moved from the prison to the palace. Through games and exciting Bible lessons, the children learned that God gives them hope, wisdom, forgiveness, and special abilities—just as He gave those things to Joseph.

After the lesson, the kids couldn’t wait to line up and head to the Egyptian marketplace. In a room transformed by palm trees, woven baskets, ceramic pots, and a variety of shops, teachers dressed in Egyptian clothing stood ready as the youngsters rushed in. With satchels of “coins” they’d been given, kids quickly began shopping.

At an artist’s shop, they wrote hieroglyphics. At a bakery, they plunged elbow deep in dough. At a barbershop and salon, boys were “shaved” and girls tried on Egyptian makeup. Two favorites were an embalming shop where kids wrapped each other up and a sand station where they dug for treasure and created their own pyramids. “This is fun,” exclaimed one young boy, his hands covered in bread dough and a huge grin on his face.

Participation was also high during the evening services as children were “shipwrecked” with the Apostle Paul. “All week long,” said Rev. Burns, “we’re learning about Paul and how he overcame adversities in his life.”

As kids played games, worshipped, danced, and “rocked out” to an interactive DVD each night, they learned some awesome lessons: encourage others; put others’ needs above your own; choose good friends; and give God the credit. On Tuesday, they learned to have a good attitude no matter what comes their way. The Apostle Paul was locked up, beaten up, and shipwrecked, taught Rev. Burns, yet he still said, “I will rejoice in the Lord always” (Phil. 4:4). She encouraged kids that whatever happens in their lives, at school or at home, they must count it all joy.

There amid lush island scenery, complete with palm and banana trees and a giant boat, kids’ lives were changed and their hearts were turned to God. Asked what she most enjoyed about the services, one young girl said it was all the kids getting saved. “We’ve just had a tremendous outpouring,” Rev. Burns affirmed. “We’ve had 47 salvations and 54 filled with the Holy Spirit. The kids are really receiving from God, and they’re just excited to be here!”