

Freedom Belongs to You!

Freedomby Kenneth W. Hagin

On Memorial Day, many Americans proudly display the United States flag. It’s because of what our flag represents that we experience many of our freedoms. We are free to travel as we please, when we please. We are free to go where we choose, when we choose. We enjoy religious freedom—we’re free to attend the church of our choice at the time of our choice.

There is another flag that born-again believers honor. It’s the Christian flag, which displays a red cross in a field of blue on a white background. This flag also stands for freedom. Because of Jesus’ redemptive work, we can live in and enjoy spiritual freedom.

Jesus defeated Satan and stripped him of the dominion he held over mankind. Ephesians 1:22–23 says, “And God placed all things under [Jesus’] feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way” (NIV).

We see from this verse that Jesus is the Head of the Church, and the devil is under Jesus’ feet. And since we are the Body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:27), Satan is under our feet as well.

I love to proclaim my freedom in Christ. Jesus went to a place called Golgotha, shed His blood, and laid down His life. Because of His sacrifice, spiritual freedom has been made available to all mankind. We’ve been redeemed from sin, sickness, and poverty!

Decide right now that you are not going to allow the devil to steal what Christ obtained for you. Determine that you will walk in everything that God says is yours.

Stand up to the devil and say, “Satan, you have no authority in my life. I’m God’s property. God’s Kingdom rules in my life.”

Colossians 2:15 (NIV) says that Jesus disarmed powers and authorities and made a public spectacle of them. Don’t run from the devil anymore. The only power he has over you is what you give him.

Let us not forget what Christ did for us on the Cross. Let’s walk in our freedom, both spiritually and naturally, and never let anyone or anything take it away.