

Heart to Heart

hearttoheartJesus Is Alive!
It’s so important that we understand the power of Jesus’ resurrection. Without it, there would be no power to save—no power to heal and deliver. All Christ suffered on the cross would have been for nothing. He would have been just another individual crucified by the Romans. But thank God, Jesus’ crucifixion was not ordinary! Though no one could grasp it at the time, God had a magnificent plan to raise Christ from the dead.

You see, the resurrection of Christ was a mystery God had hidden through the ages until the fullness of time. Three days after Jesus died and was buried, He came out of the grave (1 Cor. 15:4)! His tomb was emptied! That empty tomb is what sets Christianity apart from all other religions. We don’t go to a grave to worship a dead, powerless leader. No! Jesus is alive, and He lives forevermore (Rev. 1:18)!

What does that mean for us today? It means that though we were dead in our sins, we have been made alive with Christ—raised to a new life in Him (John 11:25; Rom. 6:4–5)! Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection make it possible for us to experience our own personal spiritual resurrection. We go from death to eternal life, from sin to righteousness, from certain damnation to being found not guilty, and from defeat to absolute victory. Jesus said, “ ‘Because I live, you will live also’ ” (John 14:19 NKJV).

Hallelujah! That empty tomb represents a power that nothing on earth can even come close to. It’s our escape from sin, our hope of eternal life, and the basis of our faith. It is the grand event of the ages and the very foundation upon which we believers stake our lives. Christ has risen from the grave and triumphed over the enemy! Thank God for the Resurrection!

I encourage you to set aside time to really absorb this month’s issue of The Word of Faith. Each article—from Dad’s on forgiveness to mine on letting your spirit dominate to Lynette’s on committing your ways to the  Lord—each one was chosen to help you walk in the power and victory of Christ’s glorious resurrection.