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We Can Rise From The Darkness That We've Been In—and Enter That New Day!

Article 4


// Kenneth W. Hagin

Are You Ready to Receive?

We all face a choice. We can be satisfied where we are, or we can choose to move to a new experience with God. We are still His people, no matter which direction we take. But we are the ones who decide whether we will enjoy all of His blessings.

I know that sometimes it can seem as if there is no way out of our situation. But look at what Second Corinthians 6:2 (NEB) says: "The hour of favour has now come; now, I say, has the day of deliverance dawned." The dawn of a new day is here! Dawn means a new beginning.

The Light of a New Day Has Come

 Dawn means the old darkness has faded away and the light of a new day has come. We can rise from the darkness that we've been in—the darkness of hardships, trials, tribulation, and all the other difficulties the devil is throwing at us. We can enter that new day!

It's time for us to wake up and realize that God is not only with us—He's ready to deliver us and set us free! He deals in abundance, and He is ready to bring us the maximum, superabundant, over-the-top blessing. He is always ready. The question is, are we ready to receive?

You see, it's up to us to take action and receive. In His Word, God has given us all the direction we need to receive His blessings. If we wait for Him to just drop the blessings on us, it will be too late. We must decide to go after them. Now is the time for us to believe God and speak His Word in order to receive the blessings He has for us!

If you are ready to receive, I encourage you to dig into your personal Bible reading with assistance of our web articles and devotionals.  Your sure to go higher in faith and spiritual victories as you dig deeper into His Word!

And remember, the reason we have any blessings to receive is that Jesus defeated the devil for us. He triumphed over him at the cross. God has given us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.