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Campmeeting 2017

Campmeeting Kenneth Hagin MinistriesKeeping Our Appointment with God 

From the very first night of Campmeeting, expectations were high and hearts were ready to receive. Rev. Kenneth W. Hagin set the tone for the week, sharing about keeping our appointment with God. When we make time for just us and God, He strengthens us and helps us be a better witness for Him when we go out into our world.

The overall theme for Campmeeting was the importance of staying with the Word of God and the move of the Spirit. Teaching was rich, and people were refreshed as each speaker flowed with the Holy Spirit.

Speaker Highlights:

"If you're going to move with the glory of God, you're going to have to do what's necessary." —Kenneth W. Hagin

"Indifference is an enemy of your faith. Just because God settled it in heaven, doesn't mean it's settled in my mind." —Charles Cowan

"The Holy Spirit is our advocate. An advocate is a person who is fighting for you." —Denise Hagin Burns

"Do you know how short your New Testament would be if Paul gave up in Acts 16?" —Craig Hagin

"Many have trouble letting God be good to us on the level he wants to be good to us." —Phillip Slaughter

"We can't just understand the Bible with our minds. We have to receive it into our hearts." —David Shearin

"Every religion offers lessons... but Jesus gives us life!" —Mark Hankins


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Mark your calendar for next year July 22-27, 2018 for Campmeeting!