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Winter Bible Seminar: Thursday February 18

Pastor HaginThursday morning, February 18. In the 8:30 session, RHEMA Bible Training Center instructor Kirk DuBois taught us how to walk by faith successfully by looking at “Abraham’s Journey of Faith.” Abraham had many successes in his faith walk, but he also made mistakes— mistakes we can learn from. “Learn to push the doubt aside and stick with the promises of God, and God will bring it to pass,” Rev. DuBois encouraged. “If He said you’re healed, you’re healed! If He said you’re prosperous, you’re prosperous! If He said you’re forgiven, you’re forgiven!”

In the 9:30 session, RBTC instructor Jay Hoskins exhorted the congregation to “Turn It Up!” Sharing from the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in Daniel chapter 3, he noted that before King Nebuchadnezzar threw the three men into the blazing furnace, he ordered that it be heated seven times hotter than usual. But the men were unharmed. Rev. Hoskins encouraged his hearers that when the enemy turns up the heat in our lives, we should turn up the heat in the Word and in worship.

Thursday, February 18. “Revival must first begin with us,” said Lynette Hagin at the 10:30 a.m. service. “And in order for revival to begin, we must relight our passion for God.” Speaking strongly from her heart, Lynette encouraged attendees to allow God’s passions—His desires and His will—to rise up in us, not just during Winter Bible Seminar, but all the time. Our personal passions—the things we want to do for God—are not always what God wants us to do, she said. “We have to get the passion of God and be what He has called us to be.”

Missed Winter Bible Seminar 2010? Click here for recent pictures from the event!