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Winter Bible Seminar 2011- Friday

ThursdayFriday, February 25. Doug Jones ministered on “The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Life of the Believer” in the 8:30 a.m. session. He said, “I’m very convinced that if you’re having trouble recognizing the Spirit of God’s voice as He works in you, then you will probably have difficulty recognizing the Spirit of God’s voice as He’s endeavoring to work through you.”

Many times when people leave a conference or seminar, they have so much new information that they aren’t sure where to start applying it to their lives. In the 9:30 a.m. service, Joe Duininck shared on “How to Live With the Instructions From God’s Word.” “Keep first things first,” he said. “You can’t allow yourself to be consumed by your ministry and forget to spend time in the presence of the Lord.”

Rounding out her week of morning sessions, Lynette Hagin reminded Winter Bible Seminar attendees that God has given each of us a gift. Be happy with what God has given you, she told those gathered. Don’t despise what God has you doing in the Kingdom, but be content and faithful where you are now. She encouraged her hearers to stir up a greater passion for God’s things by reading His Word and praying. Mrs. Hagin then led attendees in a time of prayer. A new season is here, she said, but we make the choice to step in and be used in greater ways.

“The Healer is in the house,” Kenneth W. Hagin said of God during the last Winter Bible Seminar 2011 service Friday evening. Faith activates the power of God. This is seen in the incident of the woman with the issue of blood (Mark 5:25–34). She had exhausted her finances trying to get better, and the doctors gave her no hope. But when she heard of Jesus, she said to herself, “If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole” (v. 28). Her faith activated God’s power, and she was healed. After Rev. Hagin’s message, many people came to the altar to receive healing, and many testified that they saw an immediate change in their bodies.

Winter Bible Seminar 2012 will be held February 19 through 24 on the RHEMA campus in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. Mark your calendars!