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God's Interruptions: Can you help me?

By Lynette Hagin

The Day of the Lord is coming soon, and it’s time that we are about our Father’s business. Most of us lead fast-paced lives, and we can become so busy doing natural things that we neglect what God would have us do. Although there are many legitimate things we must do, we don’t want to become so engaged in activities that we miss doing what is truly important.

In my own life, I’ve found that I can be too focused on my agenda. I love checking off the tasks I’ve written on my “to-do” list. And once I get started on a task, I don’t want to be interrupted until I’ve finished it.

One day the Lord said to me, “You get so irritated with the interruptions in your life. But I want to use you through some of those interruptions. My interruptions are more important than anything on your ‘to-do’ list.”

I quickly repented and said, “Okay, Lord. I’ll do whatever You want me to do.”

After that, when I looked at Jesus’ life, I realized that He was interrupted a lot. In fact, when you look through the four Gospels, it looks as though He was always getting interrupted!

We can see this very clearly in Mark chapter 4. Jesus spent the day ministering to a multitude on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. In the evening, He said to His disciples, “. . . Let us pass over unto the other side” (Mark 4:35).

Jesus and His disciples were in the boat when a fierce storm arose. The disciples were fearful that the boat was going to sink so they woke Jesus up as He was sleeping soundly in the back of the boat. Jesus got up “. . . and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm” (Mark 4:39).

When the boat landed at Gennesaret, Jesus was met by a madman! He cast the unclean spirits out of the man and the man became perfectly sane. The townspeople became fearful and told Jesus to leave their region. (See Mark 5:1–20.)

Although Jesus’ short stay in Gennesaret may have looked like a wasted trip, it actually paved the way for great miracles to happen later. You’ll notice in Mark 6:53–56 that when Jesus returned to Gennesaret, people throughout the entire region brought their sick to Him. Scripture says that “. . . as many as touched him were made whole” (v. 56).

But after His first brief visit to Gennesaret, Jesus traveled to Capernaum where a multitude of people met Him (Mark 5:21). Jesus would have begun to teach the people if he had not been interrupted. Jairus, the ruler of the synagogue, begged Jesus to come and heal his daughter. And Jesus left the multitude to minister to one child (verses 21–24.)

However, on the way to Jairus’ house, Jesus was interrupted again! This time, a woman with an issue of blood touched the hem of His garment and was healed. (See Mark 5:25–34.) Are you beginning to see how unplanned events continually sidetracked Jesus?

I noticed that some of Jesus’ greatest miracles happened when He was interrupted. So I began to pray, “Lord, if I don’t get anything on my ‘to-do’ list crossed off, that’s okay. I just want to accomplish the things on Your list.”

Not long after I prayed this, my son and I had an important meeting to go to. We had only 15 minutes to eat before the meeting, so we decided to run into a local fast-food restaurant. We were sitting at a table, eating as fast as we could, when one of the restaurant workers came over to us and said, “I have a problem. Can you help me?”

I immediately thought about our appointment. But on the inside—in my spirit man—I knew this was a God interruption. I knew I had a God assignment!

The woman then told me how she had strayed from the Lord and was having alcohol problems. I began telling her about our church, more specifically about a class we have called Turning Point. It’s designed to help people turn their lives around. I got her name and phone number and told her that someone from Turning Point would call her and meet her Sunday morning to take her to the class.

To make a long story short, this woman came to RHEMA Bible Church, went through Turning Point, and rededicated her life to the Lord. She eventually became a member of the church. When I didn’t see her in church, I would call and  encourage her to keep coming.

Then one Sunday morning she introduced me to her nephew and said, “I’m trying to get his mother and daddy to come to church.” Now she was going out and bringing people to church! And that’s what it’s all about—bringing more souls into the Kingdom of God.

How many times have we had a stirring to say something to an individual but didn’t? So often we’re so busy running here and there that we don’t take time to minister to the people God puts in our pathways. Let’s not allow the enemy to sidetrack us from what’s important to God—the souls of men and women who haven’t accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

We are God’s mouthpieces and we are His hands and feet. So let’s slow down enough to recognize God’s interruptions. As we do, we’ll be among the end-time reapers who bring in the great harvest of souls before the return of the Lord.