

imageOUTPUT WEB-140065 Front Page Banners for Broadcast Media Offers June 2024

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God Has Assignments for You!



// Lynette Hagin


of the new year, I always ask the Lord what I need to concentrate on during that year. As I meditated on the Word and prayed, these words began to come, "Focus on listening to My voice in every step that you take and in every decision that you make."

We are living in one of the most trying and difficult times that I have ever experienced in my life. Every day we hear of another tragic situation. The Apostle Paul told Timothy that the last days would be very difficult times (2 Tim. 3:1). I believe we are in those days now.

This also presents great opportunities for us if we will listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit. Psalm 37:23 reminds us that "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way." The Lord will order our steps daily and give us opportunities to minister to people who are hurting if we will only recognize and obey His voice. Read More. . .