Doug Jones>>The Bottom Line

True Bible Leadership

DOUG JONES | RMAI/RAA National Director

As you know, the Spring/Summer 2007 issue of Connections focused on the theme of “Working Together in Ministry” from the helps minister’s viewpoint. In this edition, we’re addressing this issue from the leadership’s viewpoint, and discussing how leaders can breathe health and life into their relationships with those who serve with them in ministry.

It is clear that successful leadership must be modeled on the successes and failures of the leaders found in the Old and New Testaments, for these things were written for our admonition (1 Cor. 10:11). Failure to learn from Moses, Joshua, Saul, David, Paul, and other biblical leaders will cause us to repeat their mistakes. We must never forget that all successful leadership principles must be gleaned from the Word. All seminars, lectures, and books that do not parallel the Word will do much harm to any leadership endeavor.

When the Bible speaks of leadership, it speaks of being a servant (Mark 10:42–44). Servants watch carefully those they serve to see that their needs are provided for. Notice that Jesus spent far more time pouring Himself into His disciples than He did into the public. Leaders who value those they preach to more than those who work for them will find themselves handicapped.

Train People to Be Greater Than You

When the Bible speaks of leadership, it shows us leaders who recognize untapped abilities and who patiently mold others into productive individuals, knowing that these followers may one day surpass them. We must train our followers with the same mindset as athletes who become coaches. A good coach trains others with the intention that his students will eventually break his own records. This progression of ever-increasing skills and success is how God intended it to be.

Jesus put it this way: “The works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father” (John 14:12). Jesus expected that we—His disciples, His sons and daughters—would do more and see more than He did.

Fathers and mothers who do not desire their child to excel and exceed what they have personally accomplished are considered selfish. In the book Bringing Out the Best in People, author Alan Loy McGinnis observes that the very best leaders believe the best about those under them, then reach down and pull them up beside them for a while before pushing them even higher than they themselves have gone.

I can remember one day when I was sitting with Brother Hagin and some others in his living room. He said to us, “If you boys don’t go further than I’ve gone, I’ll kick you.” True leaders develop leaders who will surpass them. Organizations that fail to understand this are but one generation away from extinction.

It is my prayer that the concepts and principles found in the pages ahead will provide you with additional ways to develop those who labor by your side for the Gospel’s sake.

A fellow laborer,
Douglas E. Jones
RMAI/RAA National Director