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Conquering Fear

5 FebMar2018 CWHarticle

// Craig W. Hagin

PEOPLE OFTEN BECOME fearful when diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. Time and time again, I have seen fear grip people's hearts when doctors tell them that there is nothing more medical science can do for them.

I understand what it is like to receive bad news from a doctor. When I was 13 years old, I was having severe headaches. I found out that I had a brain tumor. It was about the size of my fist and was located at the base of my skull.

When the doctor talked to my parents and me, he told us he had to operate immediately. As he explained the surgery to us, he said he was concerned about how close the tumor was to my brain stem. If he touched my brain stem during surgery, I would die. The good news, however, was that the survival rate from this type of surgery was 80 percent.

As a 13-year-old, I didn't immediately focus on the 80 percent chance that everything was going to be OK. Thoughts of fear began bombarding my mind, and I focused on the 20 percent chance that I might die.

But I thank God that I was taught well. I took authority over the fear and cast it from my mind. I made myself think on the Word of God and the 80 percent chance of going through the surgery without complications. The operation was textbook perfect. The surgeon removed most of the tumor, and God removed the rest. I was completely healed.

The Enemy of Faith

Fear is an enemy of faith. It will stop the power of God from working in our lives. Faith is having an unquestioning belief in God. Fear, on the other hand, makes us question and ask things such as, "Will I make it?" Faith doesn't question. It has complete confidence and trust in God.

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