



Freedom in Prayer (July 2003)

Freedom in PrayerBy Kenneth E. Hagin

On August 8, 1934, Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin was healed by the power of God through faith and prayer after lying bedfast for 16 months. In this article, he shares the beginnings of his ministry and his introduction to the baptism of the Holy Spirit.


Prayer: Our Spiritual Oxygen

By Rev. Lynette Hagin

Prayer is our spiritual oxygen, and just as oxygen is vital to our natural life, so prayer is vital to our spiritual life. We need to pray regularly and continually in order to live as God intended.


Love: The Foundation for Successful Prayer

By Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin

Everyone wants his or her prayers to be answered, but not everyone is willing to walk in love. Many people will love their friends and those who are kind to them, but few are willing to love their enemies. However, we must learn to love the way God loves for our prayers to be successful.


Preparing the Way of the Lord

Preparing the WayBy Patsy Cameneti

The Romans were the first people to build highways. They would make highways to the places that they wanted to conquer. The same principle is seen in Isaiah 40:3–5.