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Winter Bible Seminar: Tuesday February 16

Tuesday morning, February 16. In the 8:30 session, RHEMA Bible Training Center instructor Rick Fern ministered on intimacy with God. He compared it to the foundation of a building. If a building’s foundation isn’t strong enough to hold the load placed upon it, that foundation will crack. Similarly, a Christian needs a strong foundation of intimacy with God. Without that, when a heavy load is placed upon the believer, his foundation will not bear the weight. Rev. Fern explained, “Your intimacy, your relationship, your fellowship with God is the foundation upon which everything else in your Christian life rests.”

At 9:30, RBTC Dean Tad Gregurich ministered powerfully on “The Authority of the Believer.” Relating biblical examples and personal experiences, he explained that God has given every Christian authority over the enemy in every area of life, but it is up to us to use it. “Any principality, power, authority, or dominion that there is—the authority of Jesus is greater,” Rev. Gregurich said. “When you know the authority that backs you, it’s easy to stand your ground!”

Tuesday, February 16. At the 10:30 a.m. service, Winter Bible Seminar attendees flooded to the altar after Lynette Hagin exhorted them to search their hearts and release the weights holding them down. Strongly emphasizing staying sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s voice, Lynette urged her hearers to “put down the flesh and walk in the spirit.” “We’re so bound by what other people think of us,” she said, “but the thing we need to get hold of is our relationship with our Heavenly Father. The only way to discover His plan—His mission—for our lives is to draw close to Him.”