

December 2012


Heart to Heart

WOF PicH2HMore Than a Story

This time of year it's a tradition with many families to read the Christmas story—the story of Jesus' birth. People get sentimental and begin to reminisce about mom or dad or somebody else reading that story. The problem is that for too many people, it's just a story. But there is significance in the Christ child—that baby lying in a manger.


My Christmas Wish: From Stressed to Blessed

WOF 12 12 Pic1Stress is something we have to deal with continually. Actually, this time of year there seems to be more stress on people. But God wants to help us with our stress!


Are We Doing the Word?

WOF 12 12 Pic3// Lynette Hagin


In 1972 my husband began working for his father, Kenneth E. Hagin, as crusade director. I knew I would be working at the book table during the crusades, so I thought I'd better read all of my father-in-law's books very thoroughly. That way I could tell anybody who asked what the books were about.


The Great Adventure


Life for Kevin and Susan Fletcher has been one great adventure. Shortly after they were married 33 years ago, they began their life together by answering the call of God. First, that meant moving from Florida to Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, in 1979 to attend Rhema Bible Training College.


A Christmas Dialogue: 'Christmas to Me Doesn't Mean a Baby in a Manger'

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In the early 1980s, Kenneth E. Hagin and his son, Kenneth W. Hagin, discussed
the meaning of Christmas during a television taping. The following has been adapted from that conversation.

Kenneth W. It seems that many people keep Jesus as a baby in a manger. They don't simply commemorate His birthday on Christmas. We celebrate our birthdays, and we don't try to keep our children babies. Why is it that some want to keep the Son of God a baby in a manger?