

Winter Bible Seminar Hotels

Activating the Power

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No matter what we're going through, we have to remember that God's power is greater than anything we're experiencing. Whatever we may face—from financial problems to health challenges to adversity of any kind—God's power is more than enough to change our situation. It's what causes us to be victorious.

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Romans 4:20 (NIV) says that Abraham “did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God.” Many years ago my father, Kenneth E. Hagin, wrote in the flyleaf of his Bible, “God said it; I believe it; and that settles it.” Abraham had this same attitude, and we need to grab hold of it too. No matter how bad our situation looks, our victory is found in God’s promises and in never letting go of what our Heavenly Father has said.
Don’t Be Double-Minded
Often today believers affirm their faith publicly, but when they are by themselves, they begin to question God. They wonder if He can really help them. The moment they start doubting, they begin wavering in their faith.
The Bible is very clear about the danger of wavering.
James 1:6–7 (NIV)
6 When you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.
7 That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord.
Faith does not look at circumstances, and it doesn’t regard feelings. It stays completely focused on God’s Word. Unfortunately, some people allow their situations and feelings to “speak” louder than Scripture.
Some people lose their healing because they stop looking at the Word and focus on what’s going on in their body. It’s dangerous to do this, because before long they will start talking wrong. They’ll begin to say things like, “I thought I was healed. I guess I lost my healing.”
When we start talking like that, we throw out our healing and open the door for the devil and all of his junk to come back in. If we would just stand strong on the Word, every symptom would leave.
Look to the Word
Anytime the enemy bombards your mind with his lies, you must counter those lies with the Word of God. When lack rears its ugly head, read what God said about prosperity. When sickness impacts your body, meditate on healing scriptures. When fear invades your life, find peace scriptures to read. When impossibilities stare you in the face, the Word holds your answer.
Reading God’s promises keeps us focused on them instead of on the distractions that are sent to prevent us from receiving what God has for us. When facing the impossible, we can’t afford to look at whatever is coming against us.
Start Talking

Winter Bible Seminar & Rhema Homecoming 2015 Wrap Up

Article WBS 3Summing Up an Extraordinary Week

Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. Winter Bible Seminar & Rhema Homecoming 2015  was not "business as usual." For those who came or watched with open hearts, God, through His Spirit, working through able ministers of His Word, encouraged and challenged His people.

Messages Wednesday through Friday continued earlier themes: we are in the last days, the time is short, and we must keep our hearts and lives right so we can hear God's voice and do His work. Whether that work is prayer, sharing Jesus with others, or building up the Church, we must know the Holy Spirit and follow Him closely to be effective.

Winter Bible Seminar & Rhema Homecoming 2015 (cont.)

Article WBS 2To Build Up, Challenge, and Comfort

Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. The Holy Spirit has been busy this week at Winter Bible Seminar & Rhema Homecoming 2015 building up, challenging, and comforting this part of His Church. Through line-upon-line teaching each night, Kenneth W. Hagin has exhorted his hearers to prepare for Jesus Christ's return by staying with His Word. And Lynette Hagin has led believers in praying for the blazing fire of revival to thaw a frozen-over church.

Winter Bible Seminar & Rhema Homecoming 2015

Article WBS 1Happening Now

Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. Kenneth Hagin Ministries' Winter Bible Seminar & Rhema Homecoming 2015 is under way!

Kenneth W. Hagin kicked off the week of meetings Sunday night preaching on "Having Faith in the Last Days." He plans to speak every evening on the end times. People from around the world have converged on the Rhema USA campus to be part of this year's gathering. They're enjoying inspiring preaching and teaching, powerful worship, and great fellowship.

A Call to Arms 2014

CTA ArticleBuilding Men of Character

The men who came to this year's A Call to Arms Men's Conference weren't there just to spend a couple of days out with the guys. They came expecting to hear from God. And they weren't disappointed.

In each main session, the men who attended were encouraged and challenged spiritually. But they also got help to handle the realities of daily life as Christians. Through nuts-and-bolts Power Talks, attendees were inspired to step up and be godly men in their families, work, finances, morals, leadership, and testimony.

Here's a sample of what men experienced this year. Be sure to join us next year for A Call to Arms 2015, to be held November 5-7 on the Rhema campus in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma.

A Call to Arms Speaker Highlights

"It's your responsibility to keep yourself spiritually fit, to be a godly man, living with the moral character that God says you are to have. It would be great if you could go to the store and buy this fitness, or get it just sitting in the classroom at Bible college or in the pew at church. Those things can give you information that will help lead you there, but they can't keep you spiritually fit. You've got to do that yourself." //Kenneth W. Hagin

"When we know who we are in Christ, fear will not motivate us, because we're not motivated by what we see and feel. We're motivated by the Word of God on the inside of us." //Craig W. Hagin

"This is not the time to give up on your confidence. Don't give up on who God made you to be, your dream, your prayer, or your vision. You will reap a harvest if you faint not." //Andy Thompson

"Everything you do while you're on the earth will become history at some point. But everything you set in motion becomes legacy." //Dale C. Bronner


Love is More Interested in Others Than in Itself

Faith Works By LoveFaith is the hand that takes the things we need from God. Everything Jesus purchased for us on Calvary can be obtained by faith. This includes salvation, healing, the fullness of the Spirit, the gifts of the Spirit, the fruit of the Spirit, and victory over the world, the flesh, the devil, and all the powers of darkness.

All of these things come to us by faith. But it must be faith that works by love (Gal. 5:6).

Kindle the Flame 2014: A New Season

KTF Article Lynette HaginLadies who attended this year's Kindle the Flame Women's Conference didn't come just to hear a few pretty words. They came expecting to receive from God. And a tangible anointing followed their expectation in every service and workshop.

Throughout the three-day conference, ladies learned how to think the right thoughts by continually washing themselves with the water of the Word. They discovered the importance of staying filled, refilled, and overflowing with the power of the Holy Ghost. They were encouraged that no hindrance from Satan can stop them from fulfilling God's plan for their lives. And their eyes were opened to the reality that the alarm is sounding: Jesus is coming soon! As. Lynette Hagin told the ladies on Saturday night, "It's about to become a new season. And I believe God has been preparing us for this new season this weekend."

Here's just a taste of what women experienced during this awesome weekend. Be sure to join us next year for Kindle the Flame 2015, to be held September 24-26 on the Rhema campus in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma.

Kindle the Flame Speaker Highlights

New Beginnings at Campmeeting 2014



Campmeeting 2014 was a time of breakthrough and new beginnings. It was a time for people to be refreshed in the Word and the Holy Spirit. Attendees from around the world received strength, healing, and direction for the future and experienced turnaround in their lives as never before! Here's a taste of what this year's Campmeeting attendees heard.

"God is always ready to do wonders among us. But if we're going to receive from Him, we've got to be ready. We put ourselves in position to receive. But we can't receive if we have unforgiveness in our hearts. We can't receive if we're full of doubt and fear. We must sanctify ourselves (Joshua 3:5). And we do that by reading, studying, and meditating on the Word until we're fully persuaded that God will do what He says. Then we'll be eligible receivers. We'll be prepared for Him to move with miracles in our midst." //Kenneth W. Hagin

"So what if you've failed. It's not about whether you've failed or not. It's about what you do after you fail. Get back on your feet, arise, and move into what God has for you." //Craig W. Hagin

"We have a right to believe God for everything He promised us in the redemptive work. Nothing is to be excluded. Nothing is so far-fetched that we cannot have it. All of it is available to every believer." //Charles Cowan

"Before you ever had a problem, Jesus made provision for you! So shake off the dust of the past. Arise and shine. You ain't seen nothin' yet! This is your hour. Your best days are right ahead of you." //Mark Hankins

"Don't let the devil fool you. Don't let circumstances and situations deceive you. If you have Jesus, you have everything you need to overcome the things in this life that will oppose you." //Steve Houpe

"It's time for you to move into doing what God said you could do. My mission this week is not only to get you to believe the impossible, but to get you to go out and do the impossible." //Darrell Huffman

"We pay so much attention to our outward appearance. But before God promotes us, He's going to check our heart. We must lay down unforgiveness and pride in order to run the race He has set before us." //Joel Sims

"It matters to God how you live. It matters what condition your life is in. You're a reflection of Him, and He wants to use you as a sign that displays His grace and goodness to the world." //Scott Webb



Summer Blitz & Rhema Kids

Campmeeting wasn't just for adults. This year at Summer Blitz, 6th-12th graders, learned how to be the bold champions God created them to be. They discovered that in Christ, they can have "overwhelming victory" no matter what they're facing in life (Rom. 8:37 NLT).

Elementary aged kids spent the week at Camp Courageous where they learned that they don't have to afraid. Through fun games and exciting Bible lessons they grabbed hold of an important Bible truth: "Greater is He that's in me than he that's in the world" (1 John 4:4)!



Get the Messages!

It's not too late to be a part of Campmeeting 2014! Click here to watch archived messages online. Or visit rhema.org/store to purchase CDs, DVDs, and MP3s of all the services.

And be sure to save the date for Campmeeting 2015, July 19-24. We can't wait to see you there!

"It's time for you to move into doing what God said you could do. My mission this week is not only to get you to believe the impossible, but to get you to go out and do the impossible." //Darrell Huffman

Beloved Instructor Cooper Beaty Goes Home to Be With The Lord

KHM Cooper Beaty 2Cooper Beaty
February 17, 1917-May 5, 2014
RBTC Instructor 1977-2007

Pictured on left: Rev. Kenneth and Lynette Hagin with Cooper Beaty at his retirement from RBTC in 2007.

Cooper Beaty was born of Quaker parents on a farm in Kansas and was converted to Christ at age 18. He taught school three years after obtaining a Teacher's Certificate from Kansas State Teacher's College in Pittsburg, Kansas. At age 22, he responded to the call to ministry. His first efforts consisted of jail meetings, street preaching, and tent meetings.

Rev. Beaty spent 29 years in the pastoral ministry and traveled as an evangelist for seven years. He attended Rhema Bible Training College as a member of the charter class of 1975 and began teaching at the school in 1977. Among the classes he taught were Old Testament Survey, Church History, History of the Bible, and Creative Teaching Principles.

In commenting on his time at Rhema, Rev. Beaty said, "I was at Campmeeting in August 1974 and heard about Rhema. I'd just gotten the baptism of the Holy Spirit and my church said, 'You ought to go to that school and find out what's happened to you.'

RBTC Celebrates 40 Years

05 Main StoryExpanding Worldwide by Teaching the Word of Faith

"Go teach My people faith." This was the mandate God gave Kenneth E. Hagin and that his family is carrying on. Rev. Hagin often cried out to the Lord, "How can we get this message out?" The answer came during Campmeeting 1973 when the Lord supernaturally revealed to him that it was time to start a Bible school. Not having any formal Bible school training himself, Rev. Hagin told his son, Kenneth W. Hagin, "You do it." So in 1974 with a pad, pencil, his Bible, and his college handbook, the younger Hagin sat down to write the curriculum for Rhema Bible Training College. Classes began that fall, and 58 students graduated in the spring of 1975.

Today the scope of Rhema has grown exponentially. RBTC has more than 28,000 USA graduates and more than 66,000 graduates worldwide. And there are 183 Rhema campuses in 46 nations across the globe. On May 16, 2014, more than 400 Rhema USA students graduated as part of Rhema's 40th class. Along with their diplomas, they received their runner's batons. These symbolize that it's their time to run their race and carry on the mandate God gave to Kenneth E. Hagin years ago.

Fine-Tuning Your Prayer Life

Article Prayer"...live close to God and pray every day..."

//Lynette Hagin

Many times our prayers are selfish. We talk to God only about what He can do for us. We tell Him our needs as if He is our heavenly Butler. We say, "Give me this," and "Give me that."

Other times we treat the Lord as our heavenly Lifeguard. If we're about to drown, we scream, "Help me, Lord!" and we start praying fervently. We know Who to call when problems come—we dial our spiritual 911! But we should not allow crises to be the steering wheel of our prayer life.

Risen With Christ to a New Life

Article Easter KHM Pic

FAMILY BUILDERS: Lessons for the Whole Family During Easter

Christians celebrate Easter as the anniversary of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. But the holiday also serves as a reminder to believers of all ages that they also are resurrected with Christ!

As Easter approaches, Family Builders encourages Christians to meditate on the meaning of their new life in the risen Christ and the glorious benefits that come with it. Along with benefits comes the responsibility to live according to God's Word and walk in His holiness—vital characteristics of the resurrected life. Failure to submit to the power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God can prevent believers from receiving the benefits Jesus purchased for them through His death, burial, and resurrection.

Living in the Resurrection

As you meditate on the reality of the Resurrection this month, start by taking the time to realize that you, too, are risen with Christ! The scripture says, "Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on the earth" (Col. 3:1–2 NASB). One of the reasons you should consider things above is because in God's eyes that's where you are (Eph. 2:6). You are seated in a place of blessing and spiritual strength to live and walk in the newness of resurrection life.

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