

2011 May


Heart to Heart

Heart to HeartA Legacy of Freedom

This month we remember and honor the veterans who have given their lives in the service of our great nation. These men and women have done something powerful to preserve our freedom and our right to serve God. They have fought valiantly for the Stars and Stripes, shed their blood in battle after battle, and carried the banner of this nation high.



Stop, Look, and Listen

Lynette Hagin//Lynette Hagin

Let’s face it. We have to make decisions all the time. Some decisions can have little consequence—like what color shirt we wear, what type of car we drive, or where we go on
vacation. Others have a profound impact on our lives—for example, who we marry, what college we attend, which job we take, and so forth. For significant decisions, it’s important that we make the right choice, because decisions determine direction. And direction determines destiny.


Be Something, Do Something, Leave Something

Be Something, Do Something, Leave Somethinga//Kenneth W. Hagin

Making the most of our lives should be a high priority for all of us. No matter where we live or what our position or age is, we need to think about what we do with our lives. One day we will leave this earth and stand before our Lord and Savior. We want to be able to say to Him, “I did the best I could with what You gave me.”

The Book of Acts records the story of Dorcas, a believer in the city of Joppa, who made something of her life (see Acts 9:36–42). Although the Bible doesn’t record anything Dorcas said, she did leave a testimony. And from the seven verses
written about her, we see three points by which we should live.

RHEMA Praise