

Winter Bible Seminar Hotels

Heart to Heart: Step Into the Power!

Heart to HeartBy Kenneth W. Hagin

As we enter 2010, we have an opportunity to step into a greater dimension of God’s power than ever  before. The Holy Spirit did not come into this world empty-handed. He came with all the power of Heaven at His disposal. When Almighty God called us to go into all the world and preach the Gospel, He didn’t call us to go empty-handed (Mark 16:15–18). He called us to go with His power and anointing!

We’re living in the midst of a generation that doesn’t know the moving of the Spirit and the operation of His power. God has sent us as beacons of the light of the Gospel to the lost. He has made us carriers of the Living Bread to the hungry. And He has created us as vessels to take His power to the sick, the helpless, and the brokenhearted!

Preaching The Good News In Kenya

Kenya Trip“I have seen a lot of television commercials about the hungry in Africa and feeding the poor,” said Kirk DuBois, an instructor at RHEMA Bible Training Center USA. “I have to say I knew it to be true. But I was never truly impacted until now, because I’ve seen it with my own eyes.”

Changes Are Coming Your Way

Making ChangesMaking ¢ents

Here at Kenneth Hagin Ministries, we’re always looking for ways to be better stewards of what God has given us—both spiritually and naturally. Here are just some of the things we are doing.

Holding The Ropes

Holding OnBeing part of a team— having a base of support—is invaluable to any endeavor. No one can be successful in this life as a lone ranger. We need each other and the support that comes from strong relationships.

William Carey of England knew the value of strong relationships. He knew the importance of having friends who would support him in his endeavors.

Learning To Hear


Christians can limit their spiritual growth by not doing their part to grow spiritually. For example, when the Holy Spirit prompts them to spend time praying in tongues, they often override that leading and go about their daily lives. They never learn to develop in the scriptural scope of speaking in other tongues as God intends.

A Life Of Service

Tad GregurichBy Tad Gregurich

When Paul surrendered his life to Christ, he knew that his life was no longer his own. He willingly gave up his rights and chose to become a bond slave to his Lord and Savior.

The same is true for us today. After we give our lives to the Lord, we don’t belong to ourselves anymore. We belong to Christ. It’s not a matter of what we want to do, but of what Christ wants to do through us. Our life should be one of servitude.

Crossing The Finish Line

Crossing the Finish LineBy: Craig W. Hagin

“Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.” — Hebrews 12 : 1

God has a plan and purpose for every one of us. And He wants each of us to run our race in line with His plan. But to complete our race, we will have to lay aside the weights that are holding us back from accomplishing what God has called us to do.

God is Still God No Matter What!

God is Still GodBy Kenneth W. Hagin

In an hour of trouble or crisis, many people lose their trust in God and His Word. Others become fearful, and some begin to question, “Is God still with us?” 

When something happens that we don’t understand, we have a decision to make. Are we going to let a setback or tragedy steal the blessings of God from us? Or are we going to stand firm and declare, “God is still God—no matter what”?

Seed Thoughts

Lynette HaginBy Lynette Hagin

It is hard to believe that we are embarking upon the 10th year of this century. I remember very vividly the last days of 1999. Many were filled with fear. There was a scare concerning computers. Some didn’t know if they would make the transition into the year 2000 without complications. People were storing up food and water. I remember my husband addressing our congregation at RHEMA Bible Church concerning all of the rumors that were circulating. He told them, “Do not fear! God will take care of us.”