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Winter Bible Seminar — Midweek Report

Denise Hagin Burns Winter Bible Seminar

What a strong start to Winter Bible Seminar 2018! Pastor Hagin started a series of messages on the covenant we have with God. It's vital to know our rights and privileges. We have a much better covenant with better promises! The surety of the covenant is Jesus Christ, our mediator. It's also important to know that our covenant is based on Jesus' blood — it cannot be broken. Because of the blood, we're entitled to the new covenant and all it's benefits!

Lynette Hagin spoke on the importance of living a holy, consecrated life unto God. If we want revival to come, it starts with us. We need to live according to the Word of God, and reject the things of this world that can pollute our minds. How do we do this? By communing with the Father and reading the Bible every day.

Other speakers included Rhema Bible Training College instructors.

Here are some powerful quotes from all the speakers:

"The power of the blood of Jesus is the key to the new covenant!" //Kenneth W. Hagin

"It's so important that we don't take the things of God for granted." //Lynette Hagin

"It's a choice to let the peace of God rule in your heart." //Denise Hagin Burns

"Every one of us can find a justification to resign. Have a resignation prevention plan." //Joe Duininck

"Sin will cause you to not live to your full potential." //Doug Jones

"The enemy wants you to quit your faith and just 'put up' with life." //Kirk Dubois

We are looking forward to all God has to tell us the rest of the week! To catch all the services live, you can watch on rhema.tv. They will be archived afterwards on vimeo.com/rhema.

Learn more . . .

>> Get MP3s of Winter Bible Seminar here.