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Men's Conference: Building Champions

Article CTA 4A Call to Arms —Review

Kenneth W. Hagin's opened A Call to Arms Men's Conference with a strong exhortation for men to see themselves as God's masterpieces. "We must fight to be the men God designed us to be—not just spiritually, but naturally too. God created us to be a reflection of Him on the earth." The conference only continued to build from there.

For three days, men listened to messages on their identity in Christ, the power of praise and humility, and enduring to the end. The weak left strong, the sick left healed, and men were transformed from the inside out. They were equipped and empowered to be all that God called them to be.

Here's a sample of what men heard this year. Be sure to join us next year for A Call to Arms 2018, to be held November 1-3 on the Rhema USA campus in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma.

A Call to Arms Speaker Highlights

"Today's society is challenging manhood. We must refuse to accept the enemy's trash talk. We have to realize who we are. We are men of God, and we are fearfully and wonderfully made." // Kenneth W. Hagin

"The devil is going to get some punches in. We might get knocked against the ropes, but we have to endure. Because if we endure, we win!" // Craig W. Hagin

"Walking in honor has a lot to do with our attitude and posture in the way we handle relationships. It's impossible to walk in love without honor and respect." // Steve Yoder

"What you expect tends to show up. What you magnify, you'll get more of! When you magnify the Provider, provision shows up." // David Crammer

"Set your eyes as flint to finish the race God has called you to. Don't quit. Don't give up. And don't settle for status quo. You were born to be a champion." // Marcus Martinez


Visit rhema.org/cta for more conference details!