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Lives Changed and Refreshed at Campmeeting 2015

6 OctNov2015 CMreviewCampmeeting Review

Kenneth Hagin Ministries' Campmeeting keeps getting better and better! Every year the Holy Spirit moves in awesome ways. Young people in the Rhema Kids services were drawn closer to the Lord. Teens in Summer Blitz became more on fire for Jesus as they determined to be "all in" for God. Those who came or watched online were encouraged to stand strong in their faith and were wonderfully refreshed in the Lord. One thing is certain: no one left the same way they came! Here is a sampling of what Campmeeting 2015 speakers said.


The Great Change Maker
"There's power in the blood, and it changes things. The old prayer warriors often said, 'I plead the blood.' When they were up against something that needed changed, they knew the power of the blood. God sent Jesus so His blood would change us. Then He sent the Holy Spirit to live in us and be there to help us. We may get in a panic, but God never does. WHENEVER WE GET HOLD OF THE WORD, GET HOLD OF JESUS AND THE HOLY SPIRIT, LIVES CHANGE. Minds change. Bodies change. Circumstances change. He's the great Change Maker that lives in us! When all hope is gone, He says, 'I'm able to change that situation.' When it seems like all is lost, He says, 'I can change that.' When everything looks like it's over, God says, 'It's not over until I change it.' " // KENNETH W. HAGIN



"SOME CHRISTIANS HAVE MENTAL PIGPEN EXPERIENCES. They've been given a great inheritance from God, but they've squandered it by not using it. They've been given healing, prosperity, protection, and peace. But instead of appropriating what belongs to them, they live from one pigpen experience to another. They wait until their life has fallen apart and they've reached rock bottom before calling out to God. It doesn't have to be this way." // CRAIG W. HAGIN



"It doesn't matter what's going on around us or in us. God is still God, and He is faithful to His Word. When we align ourselves with that Word, we tap into God's faithfulness, and it will work in our lives. No matter how we feel, we must judge God faithful." // CHARLES COWAN



"You get your identity—all that you are—in Christ (Gal. 2:20). You're not who your momma and daddy made you. You're not who your past or problems made you. You are the workmanship of God created in Christ! God put into Christ everything He wanted you to be." // MARK HANKINS



"We're always asking for rain, but we get upset when the sky gets dark and clouds come. If you're asking for the floodgates of Heaven to open, it's going to get dark and a little tough first. Understand that that is the doorway to you going to another level." // ANDY THOMPSON



"In John 3:3 [NKJV] Jesus said, 'Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.' " If you're born again, Heaven is your reality. Heaven is where we are living out of right now. The things of this world shouldn't affect us, because we're just passing through." // CHAD GONZALES



"The door to the supernatural swings on two hinges—believing and speaking. Faith won't work effectively for you if you just believe in your heart. You must also confess what you believe. Confession builds the road where faith's cargo needs to go." // DAVID SHEARIN



"When you know who's in your boat, the wind and waves that the enemy brings for your destruction can be what powers you to your destination. The wind and the waves that try to paralyze you with fear can be what powers you in faith." // DON DUNCAN



"Every one of us born again is given a purpose from God. It's not going to be easy to do. We're going to have to fight to lay hold of what God has called us to do. We're going to have to hold fast to our confession, believe God, and stand on the Word." // DARRELL HUFFMAN



Save the Date for Campmeeting 2016! July 24–29



Summer Blitz 2015


All In for Jesus
STUDENTS FROM all over the United States and around the world attended Summer Blitz 2015. The 6th-through-12th graders experienced powerful, intimate times of worship. They heard anointed messages on surrendering it all to Jesus and being committed to following Him, even if they have to stand alone. They prayed fervently for their families, friends, and peers who didn't know Jesus. And they were encouraged to share the Gospel boldly and courageously.

God ministered to the students in many powerful ways. Many were born again and received the baptism in the Holy Spirit. There were healings too! One young man who had battled attention deficit disorder testified he was completely healed after hands were laid on him. He said he could now focus. Summer Blitz proved to be a life-changing experience for many youth.


"Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were all in for God. They were facing death. They'd refused to bow down to a statue the king had set up, because they didn't want to break God's laws. What are the things that we normally bow down to? They are things that try to get us to leave our commitment to Christ and not go all in for Him. Jesus needs us to be all in so we can be a light to the world around us." // Denise Burns



"Matthew 10:39 [NKJV] says, 'He who loses his life for My sake will find it.' Going all in is sacrificing our life for Jesus' sake because He died for us. Our lives only matter when they're lived for Him." // Rob Post



"The future of the faith of your generation depends on you being all in. We have to lay off every chain—worldly pleasures and fleshly desires—that will hinder us from running the race that we need to run." // Julia Post



"Proverbs 28:1 [NKJV] says, 'The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion.' When you step out in boldness for the Gospel knowing that the Spirit of God dwells in you, signs and wonders will follow." // Will Post



"If you yield your body to the presence of the Holy Spirit and pray in the Spirit, the addictions will go away. The fits of rage, the anger, and the cussing will go away." // Joe Hernandez



"Millions of people everywhere are 'all in' for false idols and dead gods. If Christ never rose from the grave, what we're doing is pointless. The reason I'm 'all in' is that Jesus has risen from the grave!" // Trenton Herald



"What does being 'all in' look like? Reading God's Word. Our faith grows when we know the Word. Praying. That strengthens us with power. Trusting God with all of our heart. Obeying Him, and being fully committed to Him." // Johnathan Morin



"We can't do great things for God by sitting on the sidelines. We have to first get off the bench and get onto the field—that's when we're able to walk into what God has for us. He wants us to be all in." // DK Hall



"The prayer that I love to pray more than anything else is 'Have Your way.' Because God's ways are higher than our ways. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. He sees the full picture. We can place our trust in Him." // Beckah Shae



Kids Campmeeting


Message in the Movies
FOR CAMPMEETING 2015, kindergarteners through 5th graders learned spiritual truths a kid's way, and they had fun doing it!

For morning sessions, youngsters were "recruited" as F.A.I.T.H. Academy® Flight Cadets, learning to be F–Fearless, A–Anointed, I–Inward-Led, T–Trustworthy H–Heirs of God. And there were plenty of games and prizes.

Each evening the children eagerly jumped into energetic praise and enjoyed intimate worship. Then came the messages, illustrated with brief clips from popular children's movies.

Sunday night's lesson, using Beauty and the Beast, showed how the power of God's love transforms hearts and lives. After hearing the story of Jesus' death and resurrection, four children received Him as their Savior!

Using the movie Tangled, the kids were taught how to share Jesus with others. Through A Bug's Life, they saw that they're never too small to do big things for God. From Chicken Little, they learned how to be brave and not be bullied out of their giftings. And finally, from Toy Story, the children saw how each of them is unique.

Throughout the week children were healed, both in their bodies and in their emotions. Kids Campmeeting 2015 was truly remarkable!