
Heart to Heart

08 wof pic1Faith Knows No Defeat

// Kenneth W. Hagin

Have you ever asked yourself, "What's the use?" You felt as if you were down for the count and about to be defeated. Maybe you're feeling that way right now. I want to encourage you—don't quit! Rely on God and keep going in faith. Your success is not far off.

There is no problem that's unsolvable—no fear that's unconquerable—if you'll stand true to God. Yes, your needs may be many and the trials may seem overwhelming. You may be facing problems you don't know how to solve. But faith knows no defeat. Place your problems in God's hands and trust Him. He knows everything you're facing, and He knows how to bring you out.

You have everything to gain by trusting in the Lord. If He could take care of the Israelites as they marched across the desert to
the Promised Land, He can take care of you. If He could sustain the prophet Elijah in the midst of famine, He can sustain you (1 Kings 17:1–16).

Dare to come boldly to God to obtain your needs met in full! He will not disappoint the one who asks in faith, believing—taking Him at His Word!

I want you to be successful—to experience joy and peace—in every area of life. And that's what this month's magazine is all about! Craig's article on page 4 will show you that Jesus is always the answer. And my dad's article on page 18 will explain why it's so important to stay filled with the Holy Spirit.

Be sure to share your favorite quotes from this issue with us on social media. Just #RhemaWOF. And remember—never quit! We serve a God Who can take care of us in every situation.