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I Don't Care ... And Neither Should You


// Kenneth E. Hagin

Timeless Teachings

Some people seem to take comfort in thinking, "God knows and He understands." But they continue to hold on to their cares, and they never get free from them.

It's not enough to know that God understands and cares. If you want to be free from your cares, you must do what God said to do about them. First Peter 5:7 (Amplified) says, "Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully."


You must cast all of your cares, all of your concerns, all of your anxieties, and all of your worries upon the Lord, because He cares for you. This isn't something you do every day. It's a once-and-for-all proposition that enables you to get rid of your cares. It puts them over into God's hands.

Psalm 37:5 says, "Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass." A marginal note in my King James Bible reads, "Roll thy way upon the Lord."

Cast. Commit. Roll. Just roll your cares, your burdens, your anxieties, and your worries upon God. That's what the Word tells us to do. Yet some people have asked me, "Please pray that the Lord will lighten this load I'm carrying."

God won't do that. He tells you what to do about your burdens. And if you don't do something about them, nothing will be done. "You" is the understood subject in Psalm 37:5. You commit your way unto the Lord. You roll your way upon the Lord. You cast all your care upon Him.

This is why some people don't get answers to their prayers. They're not praying in line with God's Word. They're not doing what God said to do about cares, anxieties, worries, and so forth.

It won't do any good to pray about your cares unless you do what God tells you to do about them. But you can do what He says to do!

Shortly after I was born again, I promised God, "I'll never doubt anything I read in Your Word. And I will put Your Word into practice."

Everything in the Word was a light and a blessing to me until I came to Matthew 6:25. This verse says, "Take no thought for your life." I learned from a footnote that the Greek reads, "Do not be anxious about tomorrow." Cross-references pointed out that God says, "Do not worry."

At that time, I was full of worry! Not only was I nearly dead with a heart condition, but I was about to worry myself the rest of the way to the grave!

"Lord," I said, "if I have to live without worry, I can't be a Christian!" Suddenly everything in the Word seemed dark and fuzzy. I couldn't get any more light from the Word. My conscience smote me, because I was not practicing the Word.

Finally at 6:00 p.m. on July 4, 1933, I committed all my cares to the Lord. I said, "Lord, forgive me for worrying, for being full of anxieties, for fretting, for being discouraged, for having the blues, for feeling sorry for myself. I know You will forgive me because You said You would if I'd confess it. From this day on, because You have now forgiven me, I promise You the longest day I live, I will never worry again."

Many years have come and gone since I cast my cares upon the Lord. Although I will confess that I've been sorely tempted, I have not worried. I have not fretted. I have not had the blues. I have not been discouraged, no matter what. (Some people said I didn't have enough sense to worry. But, thank God, I had too much Bible sense to worry!)

Worry was the most difficult sin for me to give up. And worry is the greatest temptation you, too, will ever face. But you can resist it—and you must.

Your worst enemy is the flesh. The flesh and natural human reasoning would limit you to your own ability. You look at the circumstances, influences, problems, cares, tests, storms, and winds, and you say, "I can't."

The language of doubt, the flesh, the senses, and the devil is, "I don't have the ability, the opportunity, or the strength. I'm limited." But the language of faith says, "I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me" (Phil. 4:13). The Lord strengthens me. I cannot be conquered. I cannot be defeated. If a natural force comes against me, it can't defeat me, because there aren't enough natural forces in all the world to conquer the Christ Who dwells within me!"

The language of faith says, "Greater is He Who is in me, than he who is in the world. I am fortified from within. I've learned how to put Christ to work for me and in me. I have, dwelling in me, the Spirit of God Who raised Jesus from the dead! I have God's wisdom, strength, and ability in me. I'm learning how to let that wisdom govern my intellect. I'm letting God speak through my lips. I'm daring to think God's thoughts after Him."

The language of faith says, "The Lord is the strength of my life. Whom shall I fear (Ps. 27:1)? God has made me greater than my enemies. God has enabled me to put my heel on the neck of weakness, fear, and inability. I stand and declare that whosoever believeth in Him shall not be put to shame (Rom. 9:33). Therefore, I cannot be put to shame."

I've cast my cares on the Lord, and I encourage you to do the same. He's figured it all out, He's working it all out, and I'm shouting while He's doing it!



Faith In Action

Kick Worry Out the Door!

Speak the following confessions aloud each day and let God's peace rule in your heart.
• I cast the whole of my care—all my anxieties, all my worries, all my concerns—once and for all on God.
• I commit my way to the Lord. I roll my way upon Him. I trust in Him. And He shall bring it to pass!
• I do not worry about tomorrow. I have no worries or cares. I've committed them to God. I never have the blues. I am never discouraged!
• I can! I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me.


[Editor's Note: This article was adapted from Kenneth E. Hagin's Faith Food Devotions.]


Romans 4:20 (NIV) says that Abraham “did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God.” Many years ago my father, Kenneth E. Hagin, wrote in the flyleaf of his Bible, “God said it; I believe it; and that settles it.” Abraham had this same attitude, and we need to grab hold of it too. No matter how bad our situation looks, our victory is found in God’s promises and in never letting go of what our Heavenly Father has said.
Don’t Be Double-Minded
Often today believers affirm their faith publicly, but when they are by themselves, they begin to question God. They wonder if He can really help them. The moment they start doubting, they begin wavering in their faith.
The Bible is very clear about the danger of wavering.
James 1:6–7 (NIV)
6 When you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.
7 That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord.
Faith does not look at circumstances, and it doesn’t regard feelings. It stays completely focused on God’s Word. Unfortunately, some people allow their situations and feelings to “speak” louder than Scripture.
Some people lose their healing because they stop looking at the Word and focus on what’s going on in their body. It’s dangerous to do this, because before long they will start talking wrong. They’ll begin to say things like, “I thought I was healed. I guess I lost my healing.”
When we start talking like that, we throw out our healing and open the door for the devil and all of his junk to come back in. If we would just stand strong on the Word, every symptom would leave.
Look to the Word
Anytime the enemy bombards your mind with his lies, you must counter those lies with the Word of God. When lack rears its ugly head, read what God said about prosperity. When sickness impacts your body, meditate on healing scriptures. When fear invades your life, find peace scriptures to read. When impossibilities stare you in the face, the Word holds your answer.
Reading God’s promises keeps us focused on them instead of on the distractions that are sent to prevent us from receiving what God has for us. When facing the impossible, we can’t afford to look at whatever is coming against us.
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