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An Extraordinary Week



// Winter Bible Seminar & Rhema USA Homecoming 2015

Winter Bible Seminar & Rhema USA Homecoming 2015 was not "business as usual." Those who came and the many who watched online were built up, challenged, and comforted.

Frequent themes were that we are in the last days, the time is short, and we must keep our hearts and lives right so we can hear God's voice and do His work. Whether that work is prayer, sharing Jesus with others, or building up the Church, we must know the Holy Spirit and follow Him closely to be effective.

Throughout the week, Rhema Bible Training College instructors taught in the morning sessions. And
Rhema alumni from around the world enjoyed hugs, laughter, and catching up with classmates and friends. Here are highlights.

A Spiritual Reality Check
"Before we can have revival in our land, we must be revived ourselves. We can't resuscitate others if we're half dead! That's why it's so important for us to consistently do a spiritual reality check. We need to look at ourselves and be honest. Many of us have lost our joy—our enthusiasm. We've been doing the Word, but we haven't allowed the Lord to refresh and renew us. Our cry should be, "Oh God, revive me! What do You want me to do?" We must get back to our first love—our passion—for God."
// Lynette Hagin

Living in the Last Days
"We are living in the last days. If we are not careful, we can allow fear to creep in and let it rule our lives because of all that is going on in the world today. The last days are nothing to be afraid of. We should not tremble in fear, hide in caves, or buy survival packages. The last days need to be preached from the standpoint that you understand what's going on. And when you have your strong faith in God, you will be taken care of no matter what happens." // Kenneth W. Hagin

"God gave us a guide through the transitions and seasons of life—the Holy Spirit. But we often tune Him out instead of saying, 'Lead me; guide me.' That's why many people don't know where to go next. We need to dial in to the Holy Spirit, because He's going to show us things to come."
// Denise Burns

"The Lord wants us to bear as much fruit as possible (John 15:8). But we can't bear that fruit unless we stay with our own branch—our own roots. Rhema is where God has placed you. And we need you. We all achieve more working together as a team."
// Craig W. Hagin

"The bull's-eye life is the righteousness life. It is the mark for believers to reach. Sin causes us to miss this mark. To maintain this position, we must be doers of God's Word, and not hearers only." // Doug Jones

"Decide you're not going to be weak, wounded, and
weary. Get in the Word, renew your mind, and God will give you wisdom and strength. He'll lead you in the path of victory!" // Bill Ray

"Your life may be in a mess, but God is not finished yet! God will not quit working until He does what He did in Genesis 1:31. He made everything very good!"
// Marvin Yoder

"In life there are tasks and problems that we deal with that seem insurmountable—like mountains. But God's Word says you are more than
a conqueror! You can overcome!" // Bob Keich

"The life of the Christian is one of increase in every area. And the greatest thing increase does is give us a greater ability to serve and to help others."
// Tad Gregurich

"It is easy to obey God's command to love our neighbor when the people that we don't like are excluded. But Jesus also tells us to love our enemies. We have the responsibility to love one another."
// Tony McKinnon

"Jesus said all authority in Heaven and earth is given unto Him (Matt. 28:18). Jesus gave us His authority. The number one place we demonstrate our authority is in prayer." // Kirk DuBois

"Do your part. You have a place, giftings, and a supply. But there will be a slowing down if you're doing good stuff that's not the right stuff." // Joe Duininck

Rhema Kids Were
"Outta This World"
During Winter Bible Seminar, Rhema Kids learned how astronauts train and live in space and compared that to how they should complete missions on earth as Christians. Lessons included:

You're Outta This World—being a new creation in Christ
Thoughts Outta This World—renewing your mind
Words Outta This World—saying the right things
Dream Outta This World—doing big things for God at a young age
Live Outta This World—telling others about Jesus
Love Outta This World—sharing God's love

The kids played Galaxy Games and made awesome space crafts. They even watched videos from the International Space Station and learned how to brush their teeth and make peanut butter sandwiches in space. There were many great times in the presence of God through worship and ministry.

Youth Winter Blitz

Junior Varsity Youth enjoyed their own Winter Blitz services and special worship times. One night JV Youth director Will Post invited to the altar those dealing with emotional hurts. Another night the Holy Spirit spoke through several young people from the stage during worship. The words encouraged others.

Guest speaker Ty Ward and Varsity Youth director Rob Post shared during Winter Blitz week on what love is. They discussed the many different kinds of love but focused on God's unconditional love for us. During a question-and-answer time with Student Ministries director Denise Burns, speakers shared from their hearts about God's love in our everyday lives. The week was full of laughs and growth in knowing His love. Winter Blitz ended with a special combined JV/Varsity youth party at the Ninowski Recreation Center.