
Getting Our Glow Back


God wants to break limitations off of our lives. No matter how much He is moving through us, He wants to do "exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think" (Eph 3:20).

Whatever our vocation is, it's time to break off any limitations that are holding us back. The world needs faith-filled, Holy Ghost-led mechanics. We need veterinarians who can minister the power of God to sick and dying animals when people bring their pets into the office. Instead of crying, pet owners will leave rejoicing because God moved miraculously on their pet. That's when they will want to know more about our God and where we go to church.

We need schoolteachers who teach under the anointing. They may be teaching multiplication, but multiplication is happening among the students. When people look at us, they shouldn't just see humanity; they should see divinity!

God has given us an imagination and a spirit to see limitless possibilities. Limitations live in our mind. But if we'll use our imagination, it will create opportunities for the limitless to happen. It's up to each of us to take control of his mind. When we do that, God can do amazing things for us.

Remember the story of the widow in Second Kings? After her husband died, she went to Elisha because a creditor was threatening to take her two children as slaves. She wanted help. (See 2 Kings 4:1–7.)

Instead of giving her a handout, Elisha asked, "What do you have in your house?" (v. 2).

God doesn't ask us to look outside of what we have. We don't have to look to others to obtain our blessing. We already have what we need. We just need to search inside of ourselves for the gifts God has already put there. What do you have in your house that you're not using? People often say, "I only have a little bit." That's OK. That's all God needs.

You've probably heard the phrase, "Think outside the box." I disagree with that statement. We need to think inside the box. When we do, we'll use everything that's in it. Then God will begin to expand our boxes!

We need to be careful, however, when we ask God to move our mountains. He usually throws us a shovel.

When the widow faced a mountain of debt, the prophet of God told her to borrow jars and start filling them with oil. She had a limitation, but God threw her a shovel. A lot of times, we ask God to do something for us and then sit back. We just stand, because Scripture tells us to stand (Eph. 6:13–14).

Yes, I believe in doing that. But for things to happen in our lives, we have to start moving. Without activity or motion, nothing changes.

God wants us to break some patterns and ways of thinking off of our lives. We'll never see limitlessness if the limitations that are holding us down aren't broken off of us. But God is able to do "more than we could ask or think according to the power that is working in us"
(Eph. 3:20).

We can compare that power working in us to a glow stick. Everything that is needed to light up a room is in a glow stick. But before that glow stick can come to its full potential, it has to be broken.

It never feels good to be broken. But we have to realize that limitations are really just a bunch of outer influences that are trying to affect the power that is working within us. As limitations are broken off of our lives, we'll start getting our glow back. And the more those limitations are broken off, the more we will shine.

After a glow stick is broken, it has to be shaken. In our lives, we can be so used to limitations that breaking them off can be hard. But we have to shake those things off and let them go.

After the widow filled up all of her jars, Elisha didn't tell her to keep the oil. Just because she had oil didn't mean she had provision. She had to sell it (v. 7). Likewise, we may think that some things in our lives are assets, but we really just need to get rid of them.

Let's shake off the things that are holding us back. Let's make up our minds not to be like the Israelites who wanted to go back to Egypt. Instead, let's go forward and let go of everything that has ever limited us. Let's stop being bound by limitations like race or background or lack of education. Instead, let's be bound to the Spirit of God. As we do, we'll get our glow back!
[Editor's Note: This article was adapted from a message David Vasquez preached at Campmeeting on July 23, 2013.]