

Winter Bible Seminar Hotels

A Simple Way to Share Your Faith

DEC Pic 5Winter Bible Seminar 2014 Speaker Highlight

//John Grunewald

The world's greatest need today is that the lost get saved. Jesus paid the price for every man, woman, and child ever born, so that they could have an eternal, living relationship with God the Father through Him. We get the privilege of going out and sharing that good news with everybody. But it seems we've been a little unsure about how to do that.

My Struggle

I was born again a week after I graduated from high school. I was an atheist, and Jesus drastically changed my life. After I got saved, my friends would take me out on the street to witness, and I hated it. It's not that I didn't want to see people saved; it's just that I didn't know how to do it. I was so horrible at it. Now today, because of all my experiences, it's not as hard for me to tell somebody about Jesus. I've followed these four steps I'm going to share with you. I believe that every believer can use these to share the Gospel and meet the world's greatest need.

Jesus Changed My Life

The first thing we can do is tell people, "Jesus changed my life, and He'll change yours." He did, didn't He? That shouldn't be too hard for us to say. What happens if they reject you? Don't worry about it. Some will. Some won't. We just have to be willing to share.

Share Part of Your Testimony

The second thing we can do, if they give us an opportunity, is share a very short and relevant part of our testimony. You might have 30 seconds to share how God healed you and forgave you, or how His mercy and love changed you. Just do whatever is relevant for the moment. Don't worry about the scripture you're going to quote. They don't know any scriptures. If you misquote something, it'll still be OK. You don't have to quote everything perfectly to share the Gospel.

Be Willing to Demonstrate the Resurrection

If they give you a little more time, be willing to demonstrate the resurrection to them. Mark 16:18 says believers lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. So you just ask, "Are you hurting in any part of your body? Do you mind if I pray for you?" If they say yes, you don't have to pray long. You can just say, "In Jesus' Name, be healed."

Invite Them to Receive Christ

If they give you a little more time, then number four is to close the deal. Invite them to pray with you to receive Christ into their heart. You will be amazed how many people will do it.

God wants us to reach our generation. If you find another way that works for you, use that. But otherwise, practice this one when you meet people. Every believer can say that Jesus changed his life, and that's what He wants to do with everyone else.
[Editor's Note: John Grunewald is Rhema international director for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, and a past speaker at Winter Bible Seminar.